Requirements.txt -> all opython libraries which need to be installed problems.txt -> problems faced for doing some particular operations clients.csv and loans.csv -> CSV files to perform analysis on
- Installing and Importing Libraries
- Reading Data from CSV
- Connecting to Postgres DB
- Data Analysis -> For all the CSV provided doing some elemenatry data viz and checking data quality
- Case Resolutions a. Database -> Storing CSV in DB and explaining relationship between them b. SQl and Data Viz. -> Playing with and Visualing data to fetch some answers from SQL tables c. Python and infra -> constructing email reminders for loans based upon due_date, generating functions schema for ensuring operations run smoothly
- 'left_amount' = 'loan_due_amount' - 'loan_amount_paid' -> Since both include tax and interest
- 'estimated_profit' = 'client_interest_rate' * 0.01 * 'loan_amount'
#### basic conditions would be (after normalising all the metrics)
# user_denied = 0 i.e. user status is not denied
# loan_default_rate = 0.0 i.e. no loans resulted in default
# loan_paid_to_total_loan > 0.7 i.e. more than 70% of loan amount is paid currently
# actual_profit_till_date > 0.3 i.e. ensures profit should be greater than 30% clients
#### Applying weights
`average_loan_repayment_time` is inversely proportional to customer quality. hence weight => -1
`loan_repaid_to_total_loan`, `actual_profit_till_date` is directly proportional to customer quality
#### basic conditions would be (after normalising all the metrics)
# user_denied = 1 i.e. user status is denied
# loan_default_rate > 0.5 i.e. more than 50 % loans resulted in default
# loan_paid_to_total_loan < 0.7 i.e. less than 70% of loan amount is paid currently
# loan_amount_left > 0.3 i.e. ensures amount should be greater than 30% clients
#### Applying weights
# `loan_default_rate`, `average_loan_repayment_time` is inversely proportional to customer quality. hence weight => -1
# `loan_repaid_to_total_loan`, `actual_profit_till_date` is directly proportional to customer quality
### Applying Weights
# more denial_rate, loan_default_rate, amount_under_default_to_total_left_amount, average_loan_repayment_time less better batch hence weighting it with -1
# Rest are directly proportional to how better a batch is hence multiplying with +1 weight