HUD for Dual Universe (PvP/PvE oriented)
Beta version works properly only on 1920x1080 for now, sorry.
can also use be used as a flying sctipt for you haulers. Highly inspired by simplicity of Albatross hud, has very similar features, like fire-and-forget burn limiter (both in atmo and approaching from space), etc.
hold left shift (with remote control active) to see controls helper.
gunner manual links:
- weapons
- radar
- databank
- ammo cont
remote controller manual links:
- space fuel tank (only one)
- same databank as in gunner seat
for xs ships link all of the above
unarchive sound archive into ~\Documents\NQ\DualUniverse\audio
showARCompass: enable AR compass on script startup
holdBrakeOnInit: hold brakes on script startup
autoRes: enable auto resistances on script startup
0 - Set max resists to highest incoming damage type
1 - Set 50/50 resists to two highest incoming damage type (Deafult)
2 - Set resists in ratio of incoming damage by all types
autoResMinHitCount: wait N hits before applying auto resists (default 0)
maxAngularSpeed: set hard limit on your rotational velocity in rads. (default 0 - no limit)
{} - required param, [] - optional param
sh{size} - hide {size} targets from radar widget
ss{size} - show {size} targets on radar widget
(not sure if size filtering still works)
f[XXX] - show only XXX target on radar widget. (supports any number of targets with any separator, f alone clears filter)
addAll - add all visible targets to friendlist
clearAll - clear saved friendlist
addID {XXXXXX} - add ID friendlist (needs full ID, not last 3 digits)
info {pos} - A lot of useful info about coords
helper - toggle build helper
addar {pos} {name} [#rgb]
clearar [name] - clears all custom marks if no param specified
cleardead [xxx] - clears all dead marks if no param specified
Place programming board
Copy periscope.json
content in clipboard, and then RMB onto prog board and select Advanced->Paste Lua configuration from clipboard
Then you need to manually start the programming board every time you are flying your ship to have a periscope.