Deprecated in favor of using react-router
or reach-router
A lightweight React Router framework Use react-navigation for react native routes.
The routes utility uses react-router-dom
and react-router-config
to define application routes. The utility adopts a cascading syntax (method chaining) to build the config passed to react-router-config
- Reimplement using typescript
To install anew
directly into your project run:
npm i @anew/router -S
for yarn users, run:
yarn add @anew/router
import Router from '@anew/router'
// Config
history: createHashHistory(),
basename: '/my-app',
// Top Level Props
component: EntryComponent,
routes: [
// HomeComponent will be rendered if the current path matches
// the define path.
path: '/home',
// Assign a name to a route to easily access its properties
// along with other AnewRouter actions. This allows for more
// scalable routing since changing route props such as the path
// will not require a refactor if the name is used. Also,
// it makes it easier to call a route that has a long path.
name: 'home',
component: HomeComponent,
path: '/about',
// Optionally use Route render method instead of component
render: () => <h1>About</h1>,
path: '/contact',
component: ContactComponent,
// Pass Route props as documented in react-router package
exact: true,
strict: true,
// Define arguments in the path
// The :member argument is made optional with the `?` symbol
// Both `/members/1` and `/member/` will render the route
path: '/members/:member?',
component: MembersComponent,
// Define custom props
// ex.
// Useful when creating a sidebar component to only
// render routes that have the `showInSidebar` flag.
showInSidebar: true,
// The router will redirect to the `home` route
// when the path matches.
path: '/',
redirectTo: 'home'
| ------------------
| Components
| ------------------
class AppEntry extends React.Component {
render() {
const { RouterView } = this.props
return (
<div className="container">
<Navbar />
<div className="body">
// Pass custom props
// to all child route components
someProp: 'someValue'
<Footer />
class AppTemplate extends React.Component {
render() {
const {
// Prop passed from parent route
// in AppEntry Component
// Props passed from AnewRouter
location: { pathname },
} = this.props
return (
<div className="container">
{ => (
<Sidebar.Item active={}>
<div className="body">{RouterView()}</div>
| ------------------
| Routes
| ------------------
component: AppEntry,
routes: [
path: '/home',
component: HomeComponent,
path: '/about',
component: AboutComponent,
path: '/app',
component: AppTemplate,
routes: [
path: '/todo',
component: ToDoComponent,
path: '/calculator',
component: CalculatorComponent,
| ---------------------
| Mount
| ---------------------
import Anew from '@anew/anew'
// or you may pass entry component instead of defining
// it in routes\
.render(AppEntry, '#root')
| ------------------
| Using ReactDOM.render
| ------------------
ReactDOM.render(Router.wrap(), document.getElementById('root'))
// alternative
ReactDOM.render(Router.wrap(AppEntry), document.getElementById('root'))
import Router from '@anew/router'
// Same as react-router Redirect component
// However a route name can be passed rather
// than passing the full path of `about` to the `to` prop
<Router.Redirect name='home' />
// Same as react-router Link component
<Router.Link name='about' />
| ------------------
| Routes
| ------------------
routes: [
path: '/pathOne',
component: PathOneComponent,
name: 'path-one-name',
path: '/pathTwo/:id',
component: PathTwoComponent,
name: 'path-two-name',
path: '/group',
name: 'group-name',
routes: [
path: '/one',
path: '/two',
| ------------------
| Checks
| ------------------
// @return true
// Checks if group-name path matches or contains the pathname
Router.contains('/someGroup/one', 'group-name')
// @return true
// Alternative method for above
Router.get('GroupName').contains('/someGroup/one') // true
| ------------------
| Getters
| ------------------
// @return
// [{ path: '/pathTwo/:param', component: AppComponent, name: PathTwoName, ...otherprops }]
// Return all routes that match the given pathname
// @reutrn
// [{ path: '/group/one', ... }]
// You can also define a group name to check for matchs
Router.match('/group/one', { name: 'group-name' })
// @return
// [{ path: '/group/one', ... }]
// Alternative for above
// @return
// { path: '/pathTwo/:param', component: AppComponent, name: PathTwoName, ...otherprops }
// Returns the route's data
// @return
// /pathTwo:id
// Returns a specific data property
// @return
// /pathTwo/1
// Returns the route's compiled path
Router.get('path-two-name').path({ id: 1 })