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Upgrading from 5.x to 6.x

Andreas Gullberg Larsen edited this page May 16, 2024 · 6 revisions

v6 is still being developed, so this page is not yet complete. See for details.

Before upgrading to a new major version, first upgrade to the latest minor version and follow instructions on any build warnings by code marked as obsolete. This can make it easier to migrate.

Summary of changes in v6

The biggest change is removing support for decimal quantities and converting Power, Information, BitRate from decimal to double. The value holder type QuantityValue is replaced by double.

The motivation was to remove a lot of complexity in the code base. Decimal was initially added for precision issues, but this was later fixed by storing both value and unit. Only Information still had any real benefit from decimal, to better represent Bit as an integer type and avoid rounding errors.

If there is still enough demand for representing bits as an integer or avoiding rounding errors in Information and other quantities, then we can approach that in a simpler way like TimeSpan.Ticks vs TimeSpan.TotalSeconds.

If there is sufficient demand for supporting any number type like float, decimal or even Half, then a more holistic approach is required using generics, which brings its own challenges.

✨ New

  • Allow NaN, Inf values for quantities with double value type #1289

💥 Breaking changes

Binary incompatible

  • Remove decimal support in quantities #1359, everything is now double
    • Convert quantities Power, Information, BitRate from decimal to double #1195, #1353
    • Remove QuantityValue, replaced with double
  • Remove TValueType from interfaces
    • Remove IQuantity<TUnitType, out TValueType>
    • Remove IValueQuantity<out TValueType>
    • Change IQuantity<TSelf, TUnitType, out TValueType> to IQuantity<TSelf, TUnitType>
    • Change IArithmeticQuantity<TSelf, TUnitType, TValueType> to IArithmeticQuantity<TSelf, TUnitType>
  • Remove obsolete units #1372
    • CoefficientOfThermalExpansion.InverseKelvin, InverseDegreeCelsius, InverseDegreeFahrenheit
    • HeatTransferCoefficient.BtuPerSquareFootDegreeFahrenheit
  • Fix typo in plural form of several units #1347, #1351
    • TemperatureGradient.DegreesCelsiusPerMeter
    • Density.GramsPerDeciliter
    • ElectricPotentialChangeRate.VoltsPerSecond, VoltsPerMicrosecond, VoltsPerMinute, VoltsPerHour
    • FuelEfficiency.KilometersPerLiter
    • Speed.MetersPerMinute
  • Moved 29 operator overloads for multiply or division to another type (details), e.g. Energy op_Multiply(Duration, Power) moved from Power to Duration #1329

Source incompatible


Behavioral change


Description of different kinds of incompatible changes

Binary incompatible - When run against the new runtime or component, existing binaries may encounter a breaking change in behavior, such as failure to load or execute, and if so, require recompilation.

Source incompatible - When recompiled using the new SDK or component or to target the new runtime, existing source code may require source changes to compile successfully.

Behavioral change - Existing code and binaries may behave differently at run time. If the new behavior is undesirable, existing code would need to be updated and recompiled.

📝 JSON unit definition schema changes

  • Removed "ValueType": "decimal" used for decimal quantities