A Enemy Attack Game made using Python.
It's a game based on python and the purpose of this game is to play and have fun.
In this game you have two action to choose:
In Magic you have three option:
- Fire
- Thunder
- Blizzard
In this game you and enemy have some points and random function is used to damage the points of other one
At last those who left with zero points will lose the game
So let's try this
- To setup and install Python Click here.
- To setup and install PyCharm Click here.
- To setup and install pip
Follow these step:
1.Open project settings (File > Settings...)
2.Project > Project Interpreter.
3.Press the + button.
4.Type "pip" in the top search box.
5.In the lower right corner choose "specify version".
6.Choose your version and press Install Package.