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Zabbix, PostgreSQL (Timescale DB), Grafana, Traefik (TLS, HTTPS), Backup (Local and Google Drive, Yandex Disk)


If you need your own zabbix server with HTTPS and Backups.


  • 2021-12-24


  • Oracle VPS Free Tier (VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro) In my case 2 CPU, 1GB RAM, 2GB SWAP, 50GB HDD
  • Ubuntu 20.04


  • Zabbix 5.0.16
  • Postgres 12
  • Grafana 8.2.0
  • Traefik 2.5.3


Clone the repository

cd ~ &&
git clone &&
cd zabbix-docker

Select a develop branch (Optional)

git checkout develop

Rename deploy_configs_example, .env.example

  • deploy_configs_example -> deploy_configs
  • .env.example -> .env

Check deploy_configs and *-docker-compose.yaml

Replace domains, envs, emails, logins, passwords and tls.certresolver on yours!

Install Docker, Docker-compose and other stuff.

chmod +x && ./

Run compose files

For a split config, use one of these two commands on the two servers:

cd ~/zabbix-docker
docker-compose -f zabbix-server-docker-compose.yaml up -d

docker-compose -f zabbix-web-docker-compose.yaml up -d

If you have one powerful VPS use:

docker-compose up -d

Copy postgres config at the end of file

deploy_configs_example/postgres/postgres.conf -> zbx_env/var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf

Install gdrive as root user

# Example
gdrive list --absolute --query "mimeType = 'application/' and name contains 'backup'" --max 1000
  • Change in and gdrive_folder_id variable to your Id

Setup Yandex Drive Aouth token

  • In .env add your YANDEX_TOKEN
  • Go to web yandex disk and create folder /backups/zabbix_backup/ or change the path in the backup scripts (Do the same for grafana_backup)

Setup Systemd service

Set up backup automation:

sudo cp systemd_services/* /etc/systemd/system/  # Copy services and timers files.
sudo systemctl start grafana_montly_backup.service  # Check the service works properly (Example)
sudo systemctl enable grafana_montly_backup.timer  # Enable a timer (Example)
sudo systemctl daemon-reload  # Reload systemd after service changing.
clear; sudo systemctl status *4sou*timer  # Check backup timers
sudo systemctl list-timers  # Check all timers
sudo systemctl list-unit-files *backup*.timer  # Check if timers are enabled

journalctl -u grafana_daily_backup.timer  # Check logs
journalctl -u grafana_daily_backup.service  # Check logs
sudo systemctl start grafana_daily_backup.service  # Start the backup manually.
sudo systemctl start grafana_monthly_backup.service  # Start the backup manually.
sudo systemctl start grafana_yearly_backup.service  # Start the backup manually. With Google Drive Sync

sudo systemctl start grafana_daily_backup.timer
sudo systemctl start grafana_monthly_backup.timer
sudo systemctl start grafana_yearly_backup.timer

sudo systemctl enable grafana_daily_backup.timer
sudo systemctl enable grafana_monthly_backup.timer
sudo systemctl enable grafana_yearly_backup.timer
sudo systemctl start zabbix_postgres_daily_backup.service  # Start the backup manually.
sudo systemctl start zabbix_postgres_monthly_backup.service  # Start the backup manually.
sudo systemctl start zabbix_postgres_yearly_backup.service  # Start the backup manually. With Google Drive Sync

sudo systemctl start zabbix_postgres_daily_backup.timer
sudo systemctl start zabbix_postgres_monthly_backup.timer
sudo systemctl start zabbix_postgres_yearly_backup.timer

sudo systemctl enable zabbix_postgres_daily_backup.timer
sudo systemctl enable zabbix_postgres_monthly_backup.timer
sudo systemctl enable zabbix_postgres_yearly_backup.timer


  • PostgeSQL

    • Configuration
      • Configuration - Data sources - Add data source - PostgreSQL
      • Host: postgres-server or
      • Database: zabbix
      • User: zabbix
      • TLS/SSL Mode: disable
      • Version: 12+
    • Verify that you connect
      • Go to Explore and do some queries
  • Zabbix plugin

    • Configuration - Plugins - Zabbix - Config - Enable
    • Configuration - Data sources - Add data source - Zabbix
    • Default - On
    • URL: http://zabbix-web-nginx-pgsql:8080/api_jsonrpc.php
    • Username: Admin (Capital A)
    • Password: zabbix
    • Direct DB Connection - PostgreSQL (Optional)
    • Configuration - Data sources - Add data source - Zabbix - Dashboards - Add defaults (Optional)
    • Click Plus button - Create - Dashboard - Add an empty panel - Add new metrics - Apply
    • Adjust - Refresh Time


Android Active Agent

Windows Passive/Active agents with TLS

  • Generate and save C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\zabbix_agentd.psk
    openssl rand -hex 32
  • Add into C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\zabbix_agentd.conf
    TLSPSKFile=C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\zabbix_agentd.psk
  • Restart the agent service from the task manager

Mikrotik SNMP

  • Enable SNMP and add corresponding IP's


  • Setup logrotate check config in deploy_configs/logrotate.d/traefik
  • Or turn off logs

UI Links



No packages published


  • Shell 64.2%
  • PowerShell 14.7%
  • Dockerfile 9.5%
  • Python 8.4%
  • Batchfile 3.2%