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(co) evolution

Anil Kumar edited this page May 28, 2022 · 9 revisions

The real definition of legacy software: runs and makes money #architectelevator


The physicist Hermann von Helmholtz on being successful at problem-solving

Some companies that are more than 100 years old: Boeing: 106 years, Safeway: 107 years, IBM: 110 years, UPS: 115 years, Honeywell, Kellogg’s: 116 years, Harley-Davidson: 119 years, Ford: 119 years, JCPenney: 119 years, Target: 120 years, Walgreens: 121 years, Hershey’s: 128 years, Coca-Cola: 130 years, Nintendo: 133 years, Nokia: 157 years, Macy’s: 164 years, P&G: 185 years,

  1. MANUFACTURING / LIGHTING: ACUITY BRANDS - 130 years, SMART Spaces & More Things

⬇️: A Thread inside a company experimenting, learning & changing, an instance of organic influence from public domain & open source. The cognitive load distributed & context specific startegies is how we should think about acceleration of 10+ years and 100s of man years of work involved driving changes across organizations.

[12/16 10:27 AM] Quinn, Henry

Good (but long) writeup on "why Temporal" from their Head of Developer Experience, Shawn Wang (aka Swyx). I've been following this guy for a while as he's been very vocal about learning in public and helped push a lot of folks (including myself) to tackle fun projects to learn new technologies while teaching others. I was very excited to see he joined Temporal!

[12/16 11:40 AM] Voils, Steven M

swyx has, presumably by happenstance, happened to show up on a number of podcasts i've been monitoring. i agree that he's got a very refreshing take on how to learn, how to grow, and he's got a great story backing up his philosophy given his transition from finance to software. Quinn, Henry - this is actually a really great article (i'm perusing it) that i hadn't run into before. i think it'd be a great thing to share on the blast i did in general, just to whet people's appetites for what's motivating us to do this kind of exploration in the first place

Shared Context: Business, Product & Tech

Home Page -> Search / Explore: Decision Records, Radar, Registry, ... Create Components: APIs, Docs, Tests, ... Manage: Deployments, Insights, ...

Backstage Community

  1. RETAIL / E-commerce: WALMART , Stores/Grocery & E-commerce

Mar 29, 2022: On this day in 1918: Sam Walton was born He opened the first Walmart at the age of 44. Two decades later, he was the richest person in America.



59 years Timeline

journey: Walmart Labs > Improving Stores & Grocery Online >, Business + Product + Tech > Walmart+, Ads, Health etc. > Infuse more Data -> New Identity Walmart Global Tech

Responding To Pressure From Amazon, Walmart Invests Billions In E-Commerce Revamp

Unify/Grow People, Process, Systems & eCommerce/Stores

Products & Services: Mobile / Web / Retail (Curbside Pickup / Delivery)

A great begining story here, setting aside 1 engineer on experimentation/tinkering with new tech stack (Kafka/Cassandra/Elastic) eventually resulted in a Unified Catalog system for Stores & ecommerce (+Martketplace) shows change is possible even in complex situations like Fortune #1 with lot at stake.

Storm in Retail Context: Catalog data processing using Kafka, Storm & Microservices

Apache Kafka for Real-Time Retail

Digital transformation at Walmart and the real-time benifits with using Kafka such as checking inventory, fufillment, security and fraud.

The Walmart team has been running #cassandra at scale for a long time and are real pros at operations. Great article to learn from.

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