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Anil Kumar edited this page Jun 3, 2022 · 26 revisions

Fred Brooks was apparently the first to use “architecture” in a computing setting in a published work, saying: “Computer architecture, like other architecture”


The three architectures: Ecosystemic architecture, Socio-technical architecture, and Technical architecture in “Tripartite Approach to Enterprise Architecture”, by Janne Korhonen, Jouko Poutanen, 2013


We're co-evolving complex sociotechnical systems, working in complex sociotechnical systems, which is demanding and hard. This remote class is a great opportunity to work with others who are facing the challenges this raises for leadership.


I hereby invite you to take part in scientific research that attempts to check the health of the ICT industry, with a specific focus on how organizational change affects productivity and staff well-being and exploring the sources of resistance. Please RT.


Residuality theory is a revolutionary new theory of software design that aims to make it easier to design software systems for complex business environments. Residuality theory models software systems as interconnected residues - an alternative to component and process modeling that uses applied complexity science to make managing uncertainty a fundamental part of the design process.

Black Tulip Technology is a specialist company working with Complex Systems Engineering for software. Our goal is to redefine Software Architecture using approaches from Systems Engineering and Complexity Science. The growth in complexity in modern Enterprise Software brings great advantages - but it is not easy to do. Black Tulip Technology exists to define new ways to deliver software - methodologies that are born in the cloud rather than adapted versions of earlier, outdated paradigms.


"Funding was stable, the way that Bell Labs was funded was that a very small tax was applied to any time you made a phone call in the United States a tiny slice of the money involved would go to Bell Labs to improve future telephone service and so that helped that meant that you could count on having revenue to support research for a long time, the organization was very stable, people stayed there for many many years & the company itself took an exceptionally broad and long-term view the job was to improve communication systems and that’s going to be a problem for a long time so almost anything you wanted to work on was arguably relevant to building better telephone systems and so that meant the company was not run by the quarter of a year it was run by multi-year period and all of this led to an environment which is also very cooperative and just plain fun. People enjoyed being there.."

-- Brian Kernighan Unix: History and Memoir, Chapter 9 is pure gem Legacy -> Technical, Organization, Recognition, Could history repeat?

Over the past year and a half, I've been collaborating with Dark (a new programming language startup) to research programming languages and tools. Today we are sharing these reviews publicly.



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