This is a project that I made during the Technigo Bootcamp, spring 2021. The task was to build a business site with a responsive hero header section, an accordion section and a forms-section.
The techniques I used for this project was HTML, CSS (general styling, responsiveness, flexbox layout) and Javascript for the accordions.
My goal for this project was to set a clear structure before I started. I started out by setting the design and concept and sketched it up in Figma for different devices. Then my approach was to build one section at a time, and push it to Github when it had a basic design and functionality. I did a mobile-first approach and then added media quieries to make the site responsive.
If I had more time I would do more styling, especially on the form section. I would also like to add the functionality so that it is only possible to only show one answer at a time in the accordion.
Check it out here: