This is a project that was made during the Technigo Bootcamp spring 2021. The assignment was to build a chat bot using Javascript. It was a pair-programming project and our chat bot offers some mental support for the Technigo students 😊
We have called our project the "Technigo Bootcamp therapist bot", so the bot has the role of a therapist and the user is receiving some cheering up depending on his/hers need. The user is asked to rate their current mood numericly and depending on this the user receives different options. After the user has received their "help" from the bot, the chat is finished.
We started the project by deciding on a theme, so that we could start by setting up the structure for the chat, using conditional statements. When we had the functionality in place we did the styling.
If we had more time we would have simplified the code and refactor it to make it shorter and more clean. We would also have made it more advanced with more steps and more versatile conversation. We would also work more with the styling.
Check it out here: