A pocket trainer/lifting app that coaches all levels of lifters and helps plan routines.
##User Stories
###Complete beginner:
- Uses walkthrough mode, which limits your options to best practices (as defined by Anna)
- Helps you choose an A/B workout or a 4/5 day split
- Generates default/recommended sets and reps based on existing workouts in database
- Will poke around public/recommended workouts
- Will use app for research
- Will create their own routines
- May upload routines to public space
###Super Pro
- Will use the app purely for scheduling and tracking purposes
- No frills
- May upload routines
- Home page: Walk me thru vs. Take me to the lifts
- Choose a pre-made split vs. add a custom day
- Splits: 2 thru 6 day (will show up on calendar every week, specific dates can be moved around. Custom days can be added in)
- Muscle group view: choose a group (compound, chest, back, biceps, triceps, legs, abs) or (compound, isolated, bodyweight). Selection here populates the individual exercises below.
- Clicking adds to that workout day based on split --> choose sets&reps view
- Calendar view to move around workouts A, B, C etc. based on date