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Intelligent Systems

Student: Ángel Pérez Porras <[email protected]>
Group: A1.1

1. Problem Introduction

The problem tackled by this solution consists in parsing, generating, rendering, and solving mazes using a command-line application written in the Java programming language.

Mazes are represented as a grid and supplied in the JSON format:

  "rows": 10, // Number of rows in the grid.
  "cols": 10, // Number of columns in the grid.
  "max_n": 4, // Maximum number of neighbors (constant fixed to 4)
  "mov": [
    // Legal cell movements, represented as a set of (dx, dy) tuples
    // such that adding up (dx, dy) to the (x, y) coordinates of the
    // cell results in the destination cell coordinates.
    [-1, 0 ], // North (N)
    [ 0, 1 ], // East (E)
    [ 1, 0 ], // South (S)
    [ 0,-1 ]  // West (O)
  // Order of the legal movements (N: north, E: east, S: south, O: west)
  "id_mov": ["N","E","S","O"],
  // A mapping of every cell in the maze.
  "cells": {
    // Every cell has an associated string ID in the form of "(x, y)",
    // with `x` and `y` both starting in 0.
    "(0, 0)": {
      // The cell value represents the algorithmic cost of being traversed
      // by a search algorithm. In graphical renderings, it is depicted as
      // a different shade for the cell background:
      //   - 0: Asphalt (clear background)
      //   - 1: Earth (brownish background)
      //   - 2: Grass (greenish background)
      //   - 3: Water (blueish background)
      "value": 0,
      // Neighbors represent the ability to cross the cell by tracing a path
      // towards its orientation, following the movement border defined above.
      // In this case, neighbors (N,E,S,O) := (F,T,T,F) imply that this cell
      // has walls in the east and south sides.
      "neighbors": [

The MazeReader and MazeWriter class are responsible for loading and saving mazes as JSON files. Their basic usage is as follows:

Reading a maze

final Maze maze = MazeReader.readFromFile("puzzle_10x10.json");

Writing a maze

final Maze maze = /* ... */;
MazeWriter.writeToFile(maze, "puzzle_10x10.json");

Rendering a maze

final Maze maze = /* ... */;
MazeRenderer.render(maze, "puzzle_10x10.png");

The MazeRenderer class is responsible for rendering mazes, as seen in the snippet above. The class will iterate over every individual cell and draw its background and cell borders taking into account the neighbors, and save the resulting image in the PNG format at the supplied path.

Creating a maze

final Maze maze = MazeFactory.createMaze(10, 10);

The MazeFactory class is responsible for creating and generating mazes, using the Wilson's Algorithm.

1.1. State Definition

A state is defined by every basic property present in a maze cell. In fact, the State class that represents this object directly inherits the Cell class that is used to represent a maze cell. In addition to this, every state is uniquely identified by a tuple (row, col) that contains the zero-based indices of the row and column where this cell lies within the maze.

2. Search Problems

A search problem, like every maze, is given as a JSON file consisting of three properties, with the following format:

  "INITIAL": "(0, 0)",      // Initial state identifier.
  "OBJETIVE": "(4, 4)",     // "Objetive" (sic, i.e. "Goal") state identifier.
  "MAZE": "puzzle_5x5.json" // File path to the maze associated to this problem.

The SearchProblemReader and SearchProblemWriter classes are responsible for parsing and exporting these JSON files that define search problems represented by the SearchProblem class.

Loading Search Problems
final SearchProblem problem = SearchProblemReader.readFromFile("problem_5x5.json");
final Maze maze = problem.getMaze(); // puzzle_5x5.json, as per the JSON definition above
Exporting Search Problems
final SearchProblem problem = /* ... */;
SearchProblemWriter.writeToFile(problem, "problem_5x5.json");

2.2. Node Software Artifact

The SearchTreeNode class represents a node in the search tree. It has the following properties:

  • ID: A unique, numeric identifier for this tree node.
  • State: Access to the state space for that node.
  • Value: Value of the node according to the applied search algorithm (more on this later on in this document).
  • Depth: Depth of the node in the search tree.
  • Cost: An accumulative quantity that refers to the algorithmic cost incurred in traversing the associated cell.
  • Heuristic: A double-precision floating-point value that is automatically caculated upon node addition that is defined by search algorithms.
  • Action/Move: Action performed in this state. Possible values are:
    • NORTH (move to the north): (-1, 0)
    • EAST (move to the east): (0, +1)
    • SOUTH (move to the south): (1, 0)
    • WEST (move to the west): (0, -1)
    • NOT_SET (no action done, e.g. in the root node)

Tree nodes will be placed on a priority queue (the frontier), so they need to have some means of sorting them. To this end, SearchTreeNode objects implement the Comparable<SearchTreeNode> interface, which means they can be compared against another node. Following the criteria specified by the problem statement, the order of sorting is as follows:

  1. Value
  2. State Row
  3. State Column
  4. Node ID

This comparison is performed by calculating a score that computes a hash function that gives the weight stated above to each of these properties in order to obtain a value that can be compared numerically (see SearchTreeNode.getSortingScore()).

Tree nodes can be created by using the SearchTreeNodeFactory facility. This class is intended to be used only for performing the tests that are mandated by the problem statement, as discussed later on.

2.3. Frontier Software Artifact

The frontier has to be a collection of node artifacts following the sorting order stated in 2.1. It must implement the following operations while maintatining the original sorting order:

  • Push (insert a new element): Frontier.add(node: SearchTreeNode): void
  • Pop (remove the last element): Frontier.remove(): SearchTreeNode

With these considerations, we simply inherit the PriorityQueue<SearchTreeNode> type from the Java runtime, which yields the exact desired outcome with the desired behavior.

2.4. Search Algorithms

The following search algorithms must be implemented, as per the original problem statement:

  • A* (a_star) with a heuristic value defined as node.heuristic + node.cost.
  • Breadth-First (BFS) (breadth) with a heuristic value defined as node.depth.
  • Depth-First (DFS) (depth) with a heuristic value defined as 1 / (1 + node.depth).
  • Greedy (greedy) with a heuristic value defined as node.heuristic.
  • Uniform Cost (ucost) with a heuristic value defined as node.cost.

Search algorithms are represented by classes implementing the ISearchAlgorithm interface, which requires two methods to be implemented:

  1. getHeuristic(node: SearchTreeNode): double (defining heuristic)
  2. toString(): String (path-friendly display name for the algorithm)


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