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make reproducible release builds in docker containers


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A utility to create reproducible builds by performing all build steps inside a Docker container. Developed for Go but probably adaptable to other languages.

the container provides ...

The heart of this project is the script and the dockerfile which puts it in a clean Golang container. Those two files should be small enough to manually audit. The basic gist is:

  • dockerfile
    • create a new container from a Golang template with fixed version
    • install software commonly required for building
    • set up environment and paths like WORKDIR, RELEASEDIR and TEMPDIR
    • put the script in place and mark it as the entrypoint
    • read a tar archive with the project source code from stdin and extract
      • optionally perform decompression
    • perform preparational steps defined in the project's makefile
    • decide which targets to build for, optionally asking the makefile again
    • loop over the defined targets
      • set OS and ARCH environment variables
      • perform build steps defined in makefile
    • finish up release, e.g. calculate checksums

The container uses Go 1.11 and thus supports modules with go mod.

your project must bring ...


For the above steps to work, the project needs to provide a makefile which makes proper use of the given environment variables and defines the correct targets. Those targets are:

target required description
mkrelease-prepare Perform any necessary preparations. For example,
fetch requirements and vendor them, compile common
static assets, create folders, etc.
mkrelease-targets Echo a list of targets to build in a os/arch format. The
output will be consumed directly, so make sure to silence
the command as much as possible. Example targets can
be linux/amd64, darwin/amd64 or openbsd/arm, etc.
mkrelease Build the binary for a single target and write the file to
the output directory in RELEASEDIR
mkrelease-finish Wrap up your release. Calculate checksums of your binaries,
compress them, include documentation, etc.


The most useful environment variables during the above procedure:

variable available description
TIMESTAMP all Starting time in YYYY-MM-DD-UNIXEPOCH format. Careful: including
timestamps can often break reproduceability!
WORKDIR all Directory with extracted source code.
TEMPDIR all Temporary scratchpad.
RELEASEDIR all Output directory which is commonly mounted from the host machine.
OS mkrelease Target operating system. Commonly linux, darwin, *bsd, windows, etc.
ARCH mkrelease Target architecture. Commonly amd64, 386, arm, etc.
MKR_VERSION all Version of the mkr binary used.
MKR_IMAGE all Version / tag of the Docker image used.

source code

The source code is piped into the container on stdin and needs to be in the format that many online code repositories offer: there needs to be a single directory with the projects source code - or at least the makefile - inside. During extraction, tar is called with --strip-components=1 so that source code lands in WORKDIR directly. For example, the downloaded archive for this project looks like this:

$ tar tf makerelease-master.tar.gz

If you want to pack a local directory be sure to use a single prefix component, even if it's just ./:

tar cf archive.tar -C /path/to/source/code ./

Or use git's built-in archive command:

git archive --prefix=./ HEAD > latest.tar

docker daemon

You must be able to connect to a Docker daemon with default or current environment settings. That means either adding your user to the docker group if you are not root (this is a security risk though) or configuring environment variables beforehand.

If you have a CoreOS host at your disposal you could do this, for example:

$ ssh -L ~/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -Nf [email protected]
$ export DOCKER_HOST=unix://$HOME/docker.sock

This forwards the docker socket, puts ssh in the background and exports a DOCKER_HOST value to instruct Docker to use the forwarded socket. Then continue with mkr commands.

example makefile

For an example, take a look at this projects own makefile.

building a project

As noted above, the Docker image is the actual heart of this project and you can use it completely standalone:

docker build -t makerelease container/
docker run -i --name myrelease makerelease < master.tar.gz
docker cp myrelease:/releases release/
docker rm myrelease

The cli is a lot easier to use though:

mkr image
mkr release < master.tar.gz


Installation notes can be found in


The binary is more or less just an interface to start the Docker container with the correct parameters and pipe the source code into it in a user-friendly way, completely independent from this project's makefile.

If the Docker daemon does not have the correct image yet, you can use the binary to build it because the required build context is embedded:

mkr image

Then, to build releases use the release / rl subcommand:

mkr rl -f master.tar.gz

Specify the output directory with -d:

mkr rl -d /path/to/release/output < master.tar.gz

Specify target list overrides with -T:

tar c ./ | mkr rl -T linux/amd64

If in doubt, you can use help/--help at any point. The CLI is built with the excellent cobra commander which provides nice-looking usage information:

mkr help

library usage

It should be possible to use mkr in your own Go applications. I'd be interested to hear how that works out. :)

You'll need to import See the cli implementation for examples:

MakeRelease() returns a ReadCloser of the release tar archive. The Docker client connection is only closed and the container removed when you close that reader, so don't forget to do that.