an experimental protocol antelope{cache} and associated contract `antelopcache` that monopolizes the financial properties of antelope's native resource ram which already emulates the physical and financial dynamics of hardware mining found with bitcoin. please review the antelope{cache} whitepaper for a better introduction.
this serves as a brief manual/glossary that covers table and action properties for antelope{cache} participants (the values listed here are random and do not represent real contract values).
"ram is to antelope{cache} what mining hardware is to bitcoin, cpu is to antelope{cache} what electricity is to bitcoin, and ram fees are to antelope{cache} what sales tax and restocking fees are to mining hardware".
stores ECACHE balance for each account.
account name | balance |
user1 | 1000.0000 ECACHE |
user2 | 500.0000 ECACHE |
user3 | 250.0000 ECACHE |
tracks circulating supply, maximum supply, and other aspects of the ECACHE token.
supply | max supply | max mine supply | mined supply | unclaimed supply | burn supply | fee vt weight | current tx fee | upcoming tx fee | block txs | block fees | issuer | whitelisted accounts |
1000000.0000 ECACHE | 2400000.0000 ECACHE | 2000000.0000 ECACHE | 1500000.0000 ECACHE | 500000.0000 ECACHE | 200000.0000 ECACHE | 1.1234567890123456 | 0.0100 ECACHE | 0.0150 ECACHE | 123 | 0.5000 ECACHE | issuer1 | [account1, account2] |
details the inflationary token dynamics of ECACHE, including block subsidies and era-based supply adjustments.
block | era | time reached | block subsidy | added supply | total supply |
1 | 1 | 1609459200 | 50.0000 ECACHE | 1000.0000 ECACHE | 1000000.0000 ECACHE |
2 | 1 | 1609462800 | 50.0000 ECACHE | 1000.0000 ECACHE | 1001000.0000 ECACHE |
3 | 1 | 1609466400 | 50.0000 ECACHE | 1000.0000 ECACHE | 1002000.0000 ECACHE |
temporarily stores mined blocks for miners to claim rewards.
block time | block | total bytes | miner count | unclaimed miners | reward |
1609459200 | 1 | 1000 | 10 | 2 | 150.0000 ECACHE |
1609462800 | 2 | 2000 | 15 | 3 | 300.0000 ECACHE |
1609466400 | 3 | 3000 | 20 | 4 | 450.0000 ECACHE |
singleton table containing key metrics and statistics about the mining process and the ECACHE ecosystem.
current era | current block | total bytes | miner count | last subsidy | next block time | prev ram price | stored subsidies | active proposals | successful proposals | genesis bytes | genesis miner | dev claim bal |
1 | 3 | 3000 | 20 | 1609466400 | 1609470000 | 0.1230 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1000 | user1 | 0.1000 EOS |
singleton table with configurations and settings guiding the contract logic.
prop vote decay start | prop vote decay end | initial vote pct req | ending vote pct req | proposition period | min leading blocks | max fee vote | block interval | max subsidy storage | const burn rate | ram custodian | developer |
1609459200 | 1612137600 | 1.0000 | 0.5000 | 86400 | 10 | 0.1000 ECACHE | 600 | 10 | 0.0100 ECACHE | ramcustodian | developer |
tracks individual miners, including their mining power, contributions, and rewards.
miner | blocks mined | bytes | submitted proposals | successful proposals | voted fee | proposal vote | last prop vote time | last byte adj time | start time | last claim | unredeemed shares |
miner1 | 10 | 1000 | 1 | 1 | 0.0100 ECACHE | 1 | 1609459200 | 1609462800 | 1609459200 | 1609462800 | 10.0 |
miner2 | 20 | 2000 | 2 | 2 | 0.0200 ECACHE | 2 | 1609462800 | 1609466400 | 1609462800 | 1609466400 | 20.0 |
tracks imported eosio.msig proposals that are pending approval to upgrade contract abi & wasm (code).
prop timestamp | votes | proposer | eosio msig name | leading blocks | sha256 hash | memorandum |
1609459200 | 1000 | proposer1 | msig1 | 10 | 2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706e6f9b5b94e7 | upgrade contract code |
initializes the antelopECACHE system, setting foundational configurations and permissions.
allows a miner to enlist in the ECACHE mining process.
handles incoming EOS token transfers, adjusting ECACHE mining balances accordingly.
enables miners to reduce their mining power by relinquishing bytes.
allows miners to claim their earned ECACHE rewards.
allows the developer to claim core tokens derived from mining.
converts miners' earned shares into transferable ECACHE tokens.
triggers the mining of a new block, distributing rewards to miners.
allows miners to vote on the transaction fee structure.
enables miners to vote for or against active proposals.
allows miners to propose modifications to the contract via eosio.msig proposals.
reviews and executes a scheduled proposal based on votes.
enables the transfer of ECACHE tokens between accounts.
opens a new account for managing ECACHE balances, with ram costs covered by the ram_payer.
closes an ECACHE account, refunding the ram costs.
adds a list of accounts to the whitelist, allowing them to interact with the contract.
generates a log for each mined block, recording various metrics and data.