MultiXrank is a Python package dedicated to the exploration of heterogeneous multilayer networks (aka universal multilayer networks) with random walk with restart. MultiXrank can be used in a wide range of applications. The Multixrank package is accessible there: If you use MultiXrank, please cite the following article:
Baptista, A., González, A., Baudot, A.. Baptista, A., Gonzalez, A. & Baudot, A. Universal multilayer network exploration by random walk with restart. Commun Phys 5, 170 (2022)
You can find here the scripts used in the paper and adaptable for your own applications of MultiXrank:
1: Scripts for the evaluation (evaluation)
- Leave-One-Out cross validation
- Link prediction
2: Scripts for the parameters exploration (exploration)
The scripts use the multiprocessing python library. You can specify the number of threads dedicated to the computation.