37 commits
to base
since this release
AWS2Terraform ( AWS to Terraform )
This project is intended to extract resources created in AWS as Terraform resources.
I implemented the CLI using Spring Shell project and JCommander library.
The goal of the current project is an extract program for Terraform resources, and will be developed in the future towards generating tfvar and tfstates according to standardized Terraform code.
AWS Services supported
- EC2
- EC2 Instances
- Launch Templates
- VPCs
- egress-only-internet-gateways
- internet-gateways
- nat-gateways
- route-tables
- security-groups
- subnets
- vpcs
- Api Gateway
- api-gateway-resources
- api-gateway-rest-apis
- Cloud Watch Logs
- cloud-watch-log-groups
- resource-policies
- ecr-repository
- efs-file-systems
- eks-clusters
- ElastiCache
- elasti-cache-clusters
- elasti-cache-replication-groups
- elasti-cache-subnet-groups
- Elastic Search(OpenSearch)
- elastic-search-domains
- load-balancer-listeners
- load-balancer-target-groups
- load-balancers
- iam-instance-profiles
- iam-policies
- iam-role-policies
- iam-role-policy-attachment
- iam-roles
- kms-keys
- msk-clusters
- rds-cluster-parameter-groups
- rds-clusters
- rds-option-groups
- rds-subnet-groups
- S3
- s3buckets
- It will be added gradually.
java -jar terraform-generator-shell-[version].jar
Getting started
- configure region and profile.
export:>config --region ap-northeast-2 --profile default
Region is set to ap-northeast-2
Profile is set to default
- Use
command to export all available-resources from aws.
ApiGatewayCommands : api-gateway-resources
ApiGatewayCommands : api-gateway-rest-apis
CloudWatchLogsCommands : cloud-watch-log-groups
- Exit shell and check out result files which is created on outout folder.
*.tf files are terraform files, and *.cmd files are terraform import files.
$ cd output
$ ls
ApiGatewayResources.cmd ElasticsearchDomains.cmd InternetGateways.cmd RdsSubnetGroups.cmd
ApiGatewayResources.tf ElasticsearchDomains.tf InternetGateways.tf RdsSubnetGroups.tf
ApiGatewayRestApis.cmd IamInstanceProfiles.cmd KmsKeys.cmd RouteTables.cmd
ApiGatewayRestApis.tf IamInstanceProfiles.tf KmsKeys.tf RouteTables.tf
CloudWatchLogGroups.cmd IamPolicies.cmd LaunchTemplates.cmd S3Buckets.cmd
CloudWatchLogGroups.tf IamPolicies.tf LaunchTemplates.tf S3Buckets.tf
EcrRepository.cmd IamRolePolicies.cmd MskClusters.cmd SecurityGroups.cmd
EcrRepository.tf IamRolePolicies.tf MskClusters.tf SecurityGroups.tf
EksClusters.cmd IamRolePolicyAttachments.cmd NatGateways.cmd Subnets.cmd
EksClusters.tf IamRolePolicyAttachments.tf NatGateways.tf Subnets.tf
ElastiCacheReplicationGroups.cmd IamRoles.cmd RdsClusterParameterGroups.cmd Vpcs.cmd
ElastiCacheReplicationGroups.tf IamRoles.tf RdsClusterParameterGroups.tf Vpcs.tf
ElastiCacheSubnetGroups.cmd Instances.cmd RdsClusters.cmd provider.tf
ElastiCacheSubnetGroups.tf Instances.tf RdsClusters.tf
Usage of Commands
How to check Spring Shell CLI Builtin option.
Api Gateway Commands
api-gateway-resources: Export terraform resources of ApiGateway Resources.
api-gateway-rest-apis: Export terraform resources of ApiGateway RestApis.
Built-In Commands
clear: Clear the shell screen.
exit, quit: Exit the shell.
help: Display help about available commands.
history: Display or save the history of previously run commands
script: Read and execute commands from a file.
stacktrace: Display the full stacktrace of the last error.
Cloud Watch Logs Commands
cloud-watch-log-groups: Export terraform resources of CloudWatch LogGroups.
resource-policies: Export terraform resources of CloudWatch Logs Resource Policies.
Config Commands
config: Configure AWS2Terraform profile and region
ec2instances: Export terraform resources of ec2 instances.
launch-templates: Export terraform resources of launch templates.
Ecr Commands
ecr-repository: Export terraform resources of ECR Repository.
Efs Commands
efs-file-systems: Export terraform resources of ECR Repository.
Eks Commands
eks-clusters: Export terraform resources of ec2 instances.
Elasti Cache Commands
elasti-cache-clusters: Export terraform resources of elastiCache clusters.
elasti-cache-replication-groups: Export terraform resources of elastiCache replication groups.
elasti-cache-subnet-groups: Export terraform resources of elastiCache subnet groups.
Elastic Search Commands
elastic-search-domains: Export terraform resources of Elasticsearch Domains.
Elb Commands
load-balancer-listeners: Export terraform resources of LoadBalancerListeners.
load-balancer-target-groups: Export terraform resources of LoadBalancerTargetGroups.
load-balancers: Export terraform resources of LoadBalancers.
Export Multi Commands
all-available-resources: Export terraform resources of ec2 instances.
Iam Commands
iam-instance-profiles: Export terraform resources of iamInstanceProfiles.
iam-policies: Export terraform resources of iamPolicies.
iam-role-policies: Export terraform resources of iamRolePolicies.
iam-role-policy-attachment: Export terraform resources of iamRolePolicyAttachment.
iam-roles: Export terraform resources of iamRoles.
Kms Commands
kms-keys: Export terraform resources of kms keys.
Msk Commands
msk-clusters: Export terraform resources of MSK Clusters.
Rds Commands
rds-cluster-parameter-groups: Export terraform resources of rds clusters parameter groups.
rds-clusters: Export terraform resources of rds clusters.
rds-option-groups: Export terraform resources of rds option groups.
rds-subnet-groups: Export terraform resources of rds subnet groups.
s3buckets: Export terraform resources of s3 buckets.
Vpc Commands
egress-only-internet-gateways: Export terraform resources of EgressOnlyInternetGateways
internet-gateways: Export terraform resources of InternetGateways
nat-gateways: Export terraform resources of NatGateways
route-tables: Export terraform resources of RouteTables
security-groups: Export terraform resources of SecurityGroups
subnets: Export terraform resources of Subnets
vpcs: Export terraform resources of vpcs
Config Commands
You can configure AWS2Terraform profile and region via config commands.
After that, you do not need to put common parameters when you run each command.
Auto completion is available for parameter of region and profile.
# without paramter options, you can check current configuration.
Region=null, Profile=null
export:>config --region ap-northeast-2 --profile default
Region is set to ap-northeast-2
Profile is set to default
# you can omit parameter option name with '--'
export:>config ap-northeast-2 default
Region is set to ap-northeast-2
Profile is set to default
Common Options
How to check command-specific options.
export:><command> help
Usage: <command> [options]
-D, --delete-output-directory
delete output directory before generate.
Default: true
output terraform file directory path
Default: ./output
-E, --explicit
explicit output files by terraform types. - default: true
Default: true
* -P, --profile
aws profile name by ~/.aws/credentials and config ex) default
provider.tf will be generate with name <provider file name>.tf
Default: provider.tf
* -R, --region
aws region id ex) us-east-1
terraform resources file name will be generate with name <resource file name>.tf
Default: main.tf
-S, --silence
no stdout.
Default: true
display usage informations.