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The Internet of Things has become a lot of hype in just a couple of years and we all presume it is something new. In fact, it has always been around us, waiting for technology to pick up the pace.

Web of Things for Everyone


The Reality Today

"Once you stop learning, you start dying."

-Albert Einstein

It was 29th of June, 2007 when Apple co-founder Steve Jobs launched a product that revolutionized Mobile Computing, the iPhone. It was an exception gadget that integrated a Phone, a Music player and web-browsing capability with additional applications downloadable from the App Store to get more out of the iPhone.

It's 2018 now, we see Android dominating in every Industry of Mobile Computing because of its Open-Source license. Devices that were previously not possible to create are now on our wrists to tell us not only the time, but can also take care of our health as well. With the advent of miniaturized and much more powerful Microprocessors, it is now possible to integrate sophisticated Sensors, GPS units plus a whole lot of other intelligent components within 1 square cm of space. This resulted in Devices that we see everyday like Smart TVs, Smart Homes, Smart Watches, Amazon Alexa PA, Smart Washing-Machines, Smart Refrigerators and Smart Everything. Literally, it is just a matter of time where your favorite TV channel can turn itself ON when it detects your mere presence.

It's coming!

This is leading to a whole new category of intelligent devices that can sense our physical environment and share this information with us(you and family) and other devices(permitted by you) as well. Now, if we look closer a bit, we'll notice that these intelligent things and objects is creating a network which consists of People, Processes and Data. We call it, the Web of Things. All over the World, Tech Giants like Google, Amazon, Facebook and others are incorporating IoT in some way or the other and it is estimated that by 2020, a 100 Billion such devices will be connected with the Internet. The number today is just around 15 Billion.

How we can help?

It is up to us now, whether to ride this technological wave by inventing new type of Gadgets and Services which can take the human-race forward in terms of Productivity, Growth and Convenience, or be at the tail of this wave and simply wait for whatever new product comes along with time and consume it.

With the advent of a new technology, there is a need for tools and guidance to become a part of it. Here, we prepared this course, keeping current trends of technology and Internet of Things in mind to quickly get you started with creating amazing smart IoT phidgets(physical-gadgets) for yourself, by yourself. If your friends like it, you can earn a little cash as well by making a few for them. All of this having fun all along the process. Trust us, it is really simple and does not require any prior knowledge of Electronics and Computer Science.

So, without further ado, let us dive just right in.


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