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DavidZ edited this page Mar 15, 2022 · 3 revisions

What is Vidat

An in-browser video annotation tool developed by ANU CVML.

How to build Vidat

  1. Install Node.js (v16.13.1 is used in development).
  2. npm install to install all the dependencies.
  3. npm run build to compile all to assets.

Further development


  1. Vue3 JavaScript framework
  2. Vue Router Router for Vue
  3. Pinia Store for Vue
  4. Quasar Component framework.
  5. VueUse useFavicon.
  6. JSZip Exporting and importing zip file
  7. Monaco Editor Editor for configuration
  8. Mp4box MP4 demux.


  1. WebStorm IDE
  2. Gitmoji Git commit

Run with HMR(Hot Module Replacement)

npm run dev
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