Java library that provides the same functionality, semantics, and syntax as the Apache Accumulo ColumnVisibility and VisibilityEvaluator classes. This functionality is provided in a standalone java library that has no dependencies (for example no Hadoop, Zookeeper, Thrift, etc dependencies).
For a conceptual overview of what an access expression is, see the specification document. See the Getting Started section for an example of how to use this java library.
The following types constitute the public API of this library. All other types are package private and are not part of the public API.
- InvalidAccessExpressionException.
- AccessEvaluator.
- AccessExpression.
- ParsedAccessExpression.
- ExpressionType.
- Authorizations.
Add the library to your CLASSPATH. For Maven, use:
Running the Examples
To run AccessExample
mvn clean package
CLASSPATH=$(ls target/accumulo-access-*.jar) java src/test/java/example/
CLASSPATH=$(ls target/accumulo-access-*.jar) java src/test/java/example/ RED BLUE
Note that data6
is always returned, because it has no access expression. And
remember, authorizations are case-sensitive.
To run ParseExamples
mvn clean package
CLASSPATH=$(ls target/accumulo-access-*.jar) java src/test/java/example/
For an ANTLRv4 example, see antlr-example integration test's README.
This project includes a JMH Benchmark. To run it:
mvn clean verify -Pbenchmark