v1.1.0(Not Apache release)
The version is updated as follows:
- [#2200] support postgresql(client and server)
- [#1746] integrate with httpClient
- [#2240] support custom saga transaction recovery strategy on transaction timeout
- [#1693] support for druid class isolation loading
- [#2245] zookeeper digest support
- [#2239] compatibility dubbo 2.7.4+
- [#2203] support nacos configuration group
- [#2086] support apollo configuration namespace
- [#2106] support FastThreadLocalContextCore
- [#1703] create sql parser SPI and a druid type sql parser
- [#2151] Saga provide a switch to skip branch report on branch success
- [#2270] fix worker size not support enum type and some minor problem
- [#2258] fix channelHandler not sharable
- [#2261] fix ApplicationContext has not been refreshed
- [#2262] fix nacos script set group error
- [#2249] fix saga statemachine status incorrect on register branch failed
- [#2126] fix escape characters for column and table names
- [#2234] fix type error when fastjson deserialize long type
- [#2237] fix DefaultCoordinatorTest failed in Windows OS
- [#2233] fix fastjson undo filter tableMeta
- [#2172] fix configuration center can't read configuration using SpringCloudConfig
- [#2217] fix wrong property names in seata-spring-boot-starter
- [#2219] fix the value of disableGlobalTransaction not being read correctly
- [#2187] fix the wrong rollback sequence caused by the same record request from different transaction branches on different servers
- [#2175] fix direct buffer OOM
- [#2210] fix retry expired commit and rollback globalSession can't be removed
- [#2179] fix type casting problem when using redis as registry
- [#2192] fix override eureka getHostName() return ipAddress
- [#2198] fix global lock not released when rollback retry timeout
- [#2167] fix saga concurrent asynchronous execution with duplicate primary key xid
- [#2185] fix issue of judgement container in kubernetes
- [#2145] fix Saga report branch status incorrect when service retried succeed
- [#2113] fix when branchRollback failed, it will trigger retry of multi-tc
- [#2255] optimize some default configuration value
- [#2230] unify the config style and keep defaults consistent
- [#1935] some about rpc optimize
- [#2215] optimize handing saga transaction timeout
- [#2227] separate tc In/Outbound interface
- [#2033] an optimization about DefaultRemotingParser
- [#1688] reduce unnecessary dependences in client side
- [#2134] separate the different transaction pattern processing logic
- [#2224] optimize ContextCoreLoader code style
- [#2171] optimize script and add script usage demo
- [#2208] replace getDbType with LoadLevel name
- [#2182] optimize configuration item prefix judgment
- [#2211] optimize RootContext code style
- [#2140] optimize GzipUtil code style
- [#2209] refactor seata-discovery more readable
- [#2055] refactor tableMetaCache and undoLogManager with SPI
- [#2184] refactor seata-config more readable
- [#2095] refactor of auto proxying of datasource
- [#2178] saga statemachine designer add default properties for catch node
- [#2103] optimize tcc module code style
- [#2125] change the package path of MySQL recognizer
- [#2176] fix typos
- [#2156] refactor sql parser type druid as constant
- [#2170] enhance test coverage of seata common
- [#2139] gracefully close resources
- [#2097] use serializer package name instead of codec
- [#2159] optimize spring module code style
- [#2036] optimize Dubbo parser
- [#2062] optimize seata-rm-datasource module code style
- [#2146] optimize log specifications
- [#2038] simplify to make seata-common more readable
- [#2120] fix typos
- [#2078] enhance oracle table meta cache code coverage
- [#2115] fix typos
- [#2099] optimize tm module code style
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- xingfudeshi
- objcoding
- long187
- zjinlei
- ggndnn
- lzf971107
- CvShrimp
- l81893521
- ph3636
- koonchen
- leizhiyuan
- a364176773
- caioguedes
- helloworlde
- wxbty
- bao-hp
- guojingyinan219
- CharmingRabbit
- jaspercloud
- jsbxyyx
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.