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Releases: apache/servicecomb-pack
Releases · apache/servicecomb-pack
ServiceComb Pack 0.7.1
Fixed a bug that dependency org.apache.servicecomb.pack:pack:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT not found when using pack 0.7.0 due to wrong version 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT in package artifact org.apache.servicecomb.pack:pack:0.7.0
- [SCB-2657] - Fix wrong version placeholder for branch 0.7.x
ServiceComb Pack 0.7.0
- [SCB-1370] - Support for in-process nested global transactions
- [SCB-2219] - Use Github secrets to configure snapshot deploy to Nexus authentication
- [SCB-2220] - Adding Github actions workflow status badge to
- [SCB-2223] - NEXUS's secret name is wrong
- [SCB-2248] - Update jacoco version 0.8.6 for Java 11
- [SCB-2397] - Add pack-dependencies module management dependencies
- [SCB-2421] - Migrate Spring-Boot from 2.1.X.RELEASE to 2.3.X.RELEASE
- [SCB-2192] - servicecomb-pack fails to build on ARM64
- [SCB-2227] - [UI] Property or field 'upTime' cannot be found on null
- [SCB-2231] - Github Actions only work on apache/servicecomb-pack
New Feature
- [SCB-275] - [pack] retry compensation on failure/timeout/crash
- [SCB-908] - TCC Events restful API
- [SCB-1467] - Provide API to let user integration transaction with their business
- [SCB-1510] - Add cluster metrics to the dashboard
- [SCB-2238] - FSM event channel supports Rabbit
- [SCB-2239] - [JDK11] Support JDK11 LTS
- [SCB-268] - [pack] compact events to remove unnecessary fields
- [SCB-277] - [pack] concurrent event processing issue
- [SCB-751] - The load balancer of Saga may be faced with peak problem.
- [SCB-798] - GrpcMessageSender uses aync send API
- [SCB-835] - Alpha should call the compensation method once it gets the abort event
- [SCB-990] - Support to lookup the Omega instance if the original instance is not exit
- [SCB-1003] - Support the transaction suspend and resume
- [SCB-1004] - Alpha has limit request rate protection
- [SCB-1006] - Support SagaEnd Callback invocation
- [SCB-1057] - check the TxEndedEvent is received before doing the compensate
- [SCB-1107] - Omega should send the compensation failure to alpha
- [SCB-1300] - Added the accept test of retry then recovery
- [SCB-1536] - Adapter fegin by spring-cloud-starter-openfeign 2.0.0
- [SCB-1583] - Polish ServiceComb Pack User document about kyro Usage
- [SCB-1596] - Support for defining OmegaContext parameters in @SagaStart and @Compensable methods
- [SCB-1618] - Add a JMS related Saga demo
- [SCB-1884] - Using Asciidoc to process the ServiceComb Pack docs
- [SCB-2203] - The version of Java (1.8.0_252) you have used to run this analysis is deprecated and stopped accepting it
- [SCB-2204] - Acceptance Tests Akka fails
- [SCB-2390] - ServiceComb Pack Support Mac M1
- [SCB-2392] - Upgrade the netty version to 4.1.74
- [SCB-2394] - The random error of AlphaIntegrationWithRandomPortTest
- [SCB-2395] - Upgrade Log4j version
- [SCB-2399] - Upgrade the fabric8 docker plugin to fix mac m1 issue
- [SCB-2438] - Upgrade spring-framework version to 5.2.20
- [SCB-2453] - Bump junit from 4.12 to 4.13.1
- [SCB-2458] - Bump commons-io from 2.4 to 2.7
- [SCB-306] - [pack] acceptance tests with all the transaction scenarios
- [SCB-2222] - Unstable test cases on poor performance CI
- [SCB-2391] - Add more accept tests of TCC
- [SCB-1203] - Occasional failure TccLoadBalanceSenderTest.participateFailedThenRetry
- [SCB-2199] - Migrate travis-ci to github workflow
- [SCB-2205] - Polishing Github actions workflow
- [SCB-2275] - coveralls-maven-plugin fails on Java 11 - required class missing: DatatypeConverter
- [SCB-2368] - Introduce dependency check plugin to list the CVE related issues
- [SCB-2425] - Refactoring the Alpha module using Spring SPI
- [SCB-2459] - Upgrade the version of zstd-jni and lz4-java
- [SCB-2470] - Bump spring-cloud-function-core from 3.0.14.RELEASE to 3.1.7
- [SCB-2477] - Faster release with Maven CI Friendly Versions
- [SCB-2486] - Pack 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT Release Failed
ServiceComb Pack 0.6.0
- [SCB-1368] - Support for Akka-based Alpha clusters
- [SCB-1424] - The retrieveDataMaps method throws a 500 error in acceptance-pack-akka-spring-demo
- [SCB-1627] - Wait for compensation feedback after Alpha calls compensation
- [SCB-1646] - Rename @Compensable property retries and timeout with the "forward" prefix
- [SCB-1658] - Improve encapsulation on txEntityMap of SagaData
- [SCB-1696] - Optimize state machine compensation retry strategy using reverseRetries and retryDelayInMilliseconds for FSM
- [SCB-1282] - Support to inject a customer IdGenerator in Omega Spring Starter
- [SCB-1476] - SagaStartAnnotationProcessorTimeoutWrapper should handle SagaStart.autoClose()
- [SCB-1542] - Test build error with Alpha Server
- [SCB-1602] - Error when generating docker image for alpha server
- [SCB-1611] - Window not support get CPU total and load average
- [SCB-1669] - Reverse compensation sort bug in FSM
- [SCB-1707] - Forward compensation only sends once a failure event if multiple retries fail
- [SCB-1842] - Akka Actor not found error in pack-0.5.0 under fsm patten
New Feature
- [SCB-1530] - Add omega-transport-hystrix module to support thread context switching
- [SCB-1011] - Saga interceptor should check the gloable transaction ID
- [SCB-1375] - clean up the accept test module
- [SCB-1502] - Code Cleanup
- [SCB-1514] - Aborting the further Tcc transcations when partcipate call failed
- [SCB-1568] - Add transport section on the user guide document
- [SCB-1585] - Optimize the Netty server thread model to split bossEventLoopGroup and workerEventLoopGroup
- [SCB-1587] - Polish the Design document of ServiceComb Pack
- [SCB-1593] - Use Netty native transport improve performance
- [SCB-1597] - Refactoring the accept tests of Pack
- [SCB-1599] - Modify the sonar warning
- [SCB-1604] - modify InterruptedException
- [SCB-1688] - Added prompt information when visit Alpha UI in non-state machine mode
- [SCB-1689] - Remove “prd” profile
- [SCB-1690] - omega-transport-resttemplate does not use RestTemplateBuilder
- [SCB-1694] - Improve unit test coverages for APIv1Controller
- [SCB-1695] - Add attribute mode to @Compensable annotation
- [SCB-1877] - Fixed AlphaUI's Saga list sorted by time bug
- [SCB-1878] - Alpha UI query error when the ES is empty
- [SCB-1879] - Support to disable the TCC feature from Alpha Server
- [SCB-1880] - Remove the EnableOmega annotation
- [SCB-1501] - Occasional UnitTest failure in PackIT.compensatesFailedGlobalTransaction
- [SCB-1685] - Improve test case doNotCompensateDuplicateTxOnFailure of AlphaIntegrationTest
- [SCB-1466] - Update cluster configuration in fsm document
- [SCB-1541] - Set the dependency of OpenFeign core scope to be provided
- [SCB-1595] - ServiceComb Pack integrates with SonarCloud
- [SCB-1614] - Polishing code
- [SCB-1659] - Upgrade maven-assembly-plugin to 3.2.0
- [SCB-1668] - Replace sun.misc.BASE64* with java.util.Base64
- [SCB-1670] - TransactionContext should be serializable
- [SCB-1698] - Revert "SCB-1695 Add attribute mode to @Compensable annotation"
- [SCB-1724] - Update upgrade guide and state-diagram documents for SCB-1696
- [SCB-1735] - Support Alpha call compensation timeout strategy
ServiceComb Pack 0.5.0
- [SCB-1372] - Collection state machine health to metrics
- [SCB-1374] - Implement Alpha Event Channel Plugin
- [SCB-1379] - Add alpha benchmark tool document
- [SCB-1416] - Refactoring the core part of alpha-fsm module to move to alpha-core
- [SCB-1417] - Alpha Event Redis Channel Plugin
- [SCB-1418] - Alpha Event Kafka Channel Plugin
- [SCB-1435] - State machine manual
- [SCB-1439] - Optimize class ElasticsearchTransactionRepository persistence parameters
- [SCB-1442] - Topic initialization & Class KafkaMessagePublisher needs to use globalTxId as the partitioning strategy.
- [SCB-1264] - When setting server.port and alpha.server.port random port is missing the default tag configuration
- [SCB-1281] - saga-frontend access alpha restful API has cross-domain issues
- [SCB-1352] - Fixed a typo on ParametersContext class in servicecomb-pack
- [SCB-1377] - The Notice file of ServiceComb-Pack need to updated
- [SCB-1419] - ElasticsearchTransactionRepositoryTest failed for CI
- [SCB-1421] - ElasticsearchTransactionRepositoryTest failed for CI 2
- [SCB-1438] - Class ElasticsearchTransactionRepository synchronization save method is invalid
New Feature
- [SCB-1349] - support Nacos Discovery
- [SCB-1386] - Support to send out SagaEnd event in other method
- [SCB-1411] - Add alpha-ui module to provide a simple Web GUI
- [SCB-575] - Publish the Java doc of ServiceComb projects
- [SCB-1243] - Keep the handler name of saga-consumer and saga-producer
- [SCB-1247] - Set default value in alpha.cluster.address on omega side
- [SCB-1272] - Improvement Omega timeout processing, interrupt request thread after the timeout
- [SCB-1279] - add omega context verification
- [SCB-1299] - Showing the type,createtime in the Saga UI
- [SCB-1309] - ServicePack CI build should use sprint-boot-2 profile
- [SCB-1380] - Upgrade Java-Chassis version to 1.2.1
- [SCB-1381] - Add common api controller to bridge the request of transaction data querying and metrics data querying
- [SCB-1385] - Provide a common way to pass GID and LID
- [SCB-1387] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 2.1.6
- [SCB-1391] - Add support for explicit tx context passing for TCC
- [SCB-1395] - Switch to openjdk in servicecomb-pack CI build
- [SCB-1399] - Drop the support of Spring Boot 1.x for ServiceComb-Pack
- [SCB-1432] - fix deprecated api
- [SCB-1443] - Adding a Rolling File Appender for Log4j2
- [SCB-1397] - Acceptance test about Byteman error
- [SCB-1403] - byteman port configuration conflicts in all acceptance tests.
- [SCB-1423] - Non-thread-safe method size of ConcurrentLinkedQueue in AlphaIntegrationTest
- [SCB-1026] - Saga compensation should support to define the retry times
- [SCB-1238] - Introductory article on cluster implementation of ServiceComb Pack
- [SCB-1241] - Update how to use mysql document
- [SCB-1244] - Update the configuration of Pack 0.4.0 in the user guide
- [SCB-1298] - Add Zookeeper as the Alpha server load balancer
- [SCB-1314] - support zookeeper user_guide
- [SCB-1335] - Upgrade docker-compose file to 3.0
- [SCB-1353] - Travis CI should fail fast
- [SCB-1356] - add NACOS to DiscoveryType
- [SCB-1389] - Doc for SCB-1385
- [SCB-1430] - Update the License file of ServiceComb Pack
- [SCB-1440] - Remove the Kamon dependencies
- [SCB-1533] - Remove the Kamon configuration
ServiceComb Pack 0.4.0
New and Noteworthy
- Provides Alpha HA implementation
- Support to use eureka or consul to do the service discovery of Alpha
- Fix the event scanner thread exit issue
- [SCB-1180] - Unable to register eureka instance metadata on random gRPC port
- [SCB-1187] - Update distribution LICENSE for Spring Cloud Starter Netflix
- [SCB-1200] - Omega with consul
- [SCB-1201] - alpha-spring-cloud-starter rename alpha-server-cloud-eureka-starter
- [SCB-1204] - acceptance tests with consul
- [SCB-1209] - Add a description about the integrated consul
- [SCB-1118] - EventScanner should catch the exception to keep it running.
- [SCB-1159] - Rxjs and TypeScript version compatibility issues
- [SCB-1216] - Alpha Cluster support random gRPC port
- [SCB-1217] - Consul support random gRPC port
New Feature
- [SCB-15] - service discovery with popular open source service registry
- [SCB-1155] - Generate a random free gRPC port to launch alpha
- [SCB-1199] - service discovery with consul
- [SCB-1082] - Dependency-free-transaction-demo failed on Mac OSX
- [SCB-1099] - Add nexus SNAPSHOT information to the README repo
- [SCB-1100] - Updated the user guide for migration from saga 0.2.x
- [SCB-1103] - TCC should have participate started and ended events
- [SCB-1110] - omega-transport-feign configure file error
- [SCB-1119] - Add the order number on the demo
- [SCB-1121] - Clean up the OmegaContext once the invocation is over
- [SCB-1122] - Specify the name of RestTemplate in the configuration
- [SCB-1124] - Rename the Handler name of Omega transport
- [SCB-1125] - Add omega instanceid to properties
- [SCB-1127] - Support alpha server registering to Spring Cloud Eureka
- [SCB-1128] - Omega get Alpha address from Spring Cloud Eureka
- [SCB-1130] - Alpha cluster need distributed lock function
- [SCB-1158] - External jars support Alpha
- [SCB-1160] - SCB-1142 additional
- [SCB-1171] - Improve unit test coverage for ClusterLockServiceTest
- [SCB-1235] - Clean up third party license with maven plugin
- [SCB-306] - [pack] acceptance tests with all the transaction scenarios
- [SCB-1152] - About abortTimeoutTxStartedEvent test case failed
- [SCB-1151] - Add Eureka instructions in the user guide
- [SCB-1161] - Eureka integration english guide
- [SCB-1181] - Add mvn wrap script to lock the maven version
- [SCB-1182] - Also need to use -Pspring-boot-2 by default
- [SCB-1189] - Update the Eureka Integration User Guide for version 0.4.0
- [SCB-1190] - Update the mysql manual for use extension jar description
- [SCB-1194] - Specify alphaEventBus bean with @qualifier("alphaEventBus")
- [SCB-1195] - About typo in eureka Integrated documentation
- [SCB-1215] - Update document about alpha cluster
- [SCB-1233] - Alpha Server should not include eureka dependencies by default
- [SCB-1238] - Introductory article on cluster implementation of ServiceComb Pack
ServiceComb Pack 0.3.0
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version pack-0.3.0
New and Noteworthy
- Provides the TCC support
- Rename the package name from "org.apache.servicecomb.saga" to "org.apache.servicecomb.pack"
- Omega supports JDK 1.7
- Using Spring-Boot 2.1 by default
- [SCB-817] - Setup the TCC events
- [SCB-818] - Omega support of TCC
- [SCB-819] - Acceptance test of TCC Demo
- [SCB-820] - TCC demo
- [SCB-856] - Implement reaction of the event in Alpha Server
- [SCB-876] - Confirm and Cancel invocation support of Omega
- [SCB-877] - Alpha should pesistend the received TCC events
- [SCB-923] - Provide API to access the TCC events
- [SCB-739] - It is useless for @SagaStart timeout,and it could not be compensated under @SagaStart
- [SCB-741] - Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'payloads' at row 1
- [SCB-745] - RetrySender should not throw exception when go the saga start event.
- [SCB-821] - Add missing dependencyManagement for omega-transport-feign
- [SCB-822] - Update LICENSE/NOTICE for saga
- [SCB-824] - Failed to build saga demos
- [SCB-826] - SagaStart abort event should use LocalTransactionID
- [SCB-830] - Update Chassis from 1.0.0-m2 to 1.0.0 in Saga
- [SCB-831] - Saga UT failed at LoadBalancedClusterMessageSenderTest on Windows environment
- [SCB-963] - Saga transactional method can't work when compensation happens
- [SCB-1081] - CompositeOmegaCallback's compensate(TxEvent event) method has concurrency issues
- [SCB-1098] - Pack pom need to be updated
New Feature
- [SCB-665] - Provide TCC support
- [SCB-730] - Add Feign transport for supporting Spring Cloud
- [SCB-731] - Add the omega-transport-feign into distribution kit
- [SCB-732] - Add the omega-transport-feign into distribution kit
- [SCB-909] - Add fault tolerance for service comb TCC
- [SCB-244] - [pack] add demo to use pack with java chassis
- [SCB-630] - Active the -Pdocker profile if detect the docker installation
- [SCB-639] - upgrade docker maven plugin
- [SCB-660] - Update the dubbo example compose file
- [SCB-750] - Dependency management is incomplete in Saga and Java-Chassis
- [SCB-785] - Cannot get the GlobalTxId and LocalTxId in the compensation method
- [SCB-805] - If the node time of alpha and omega are not same, the transaction could be aborted
- [SCB-806] - Polish alpha-server logger
- [SCB-813] - pack-contract-grp module mvn install builds failure
- [SCB-829] - An index on TxEvent (globalTxId) should be added
- [SCB-853] - Support JDK7 in saga-core
- [SCB-865] - Refactoring the Omega Interceptors
- [SCB-868] - Added kamon metrics to Alpha Server
- [SCB-874] - saga dubbo demo insert sql and readme optimization
- [SCB-875] - Start the old saga demo with sh script
- [SCB-879] - Pack the aspectj-wave jar into Alpha Server when using perf profile
- [SCB-885] - saga alpha event scanner delete duplicate events sql optimization
- [SCB-913] - Switch TCC demo JPA implementation
- [SCB-916] - Clean up @order annotation in TransactionAspectConfig
- [SCB-1013] - Support to disable the event scanner Alpha
- [SCB-1018] - Upgrade spring boot version to 1.5.17 and 2.0.6
- [SCB-1029] - The compensationMethod size is small
- [SCB-1036] - Throw exception when Compensable retries below -1.
- [SCB-1086] - Using spring-boot-2 by default
- [SCB-1090] - Unify the logger output of the Omega transport.
- [SCB-1091] - Upgrade the dubbo version to 2.6.4
- [SCB-1093] - Upgrade the Spring Boot version to 2.1.1 Release
- [SCB-823] - Set up a fully functional test in kubernetes environment
- [SCB-648] - Omega support JDK7
- [SCB-766] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 2.0.3.Release and 1.5.14.Release
- [SCB-784] - SagaStart annotated method should abort the saga transaction once the exception is thrown
- [SCB-973] - TLP graduation tasks
- [SCB-976] - Create new git repo for ServiceComb Saga-Core module
- [SCB-1078] - Clean up the saga-core modules from saga-pack repo
- [SCB-1097] - Clean up the distribution of servicecomb-pack
Download links are available here
Apache ServiceComb Saga 0.2.1
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version saga-0.2.1
- [SCB-741] - Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'payloads' at row 1
- [SCB-821] - Add missing dependencyManagement for omega-transport-feign
- [SCB-963] - Saga transactional method can't work when compensation happens
New Feature
- [SCB-730] - Add Feign transport for supporting Spring Cloud
- [SCB-732] - Add the omega-transport-feign into distribution kit
- [SCB-785] - Cannot get the GlobalTxId and LocalTxId in the compensation method
- [SCB-805] - If the node time of alpha and omega are not same, the transaction could be aborted
- [SCB-806] - Polish alpha-server logger
- [SCB-784] - SagaStart annotated method should abort the saga transaction once the exception is thrown
Download links are available here
Apache ServiceComb (incubating) Saga 0.2.0
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version saga-0.2.0
- [SCB-426] - The type of CompensationContext.context field should be thread-safe
- [SCB-480] - [pack] GrpcTxEvent miss the timeout when converting the TxEvent
- [SCB-505] - The service should throw the exception when the saga transaction is timeout
- [SCB-566] - mysql.sql doesn't have the retried and retryMethod in the TxEvent table
- [SCB-584] - DubboConsumerFilterTest fails on linux
- [SCB-615] - fix typos in EventScanner
New Feature
- [SCB-245] - [pack] support to intercept dubbo's requests
- [SCB-246] - [pack] add demo to use pack with dubbo
- [SCB-410] - Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0 in Saga
- [SCB-428] - Add omegaUniquaIdGenerator to the omega id generator
- [SCB-429] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 1.5.10
- [SCB-433] - Update the maven docker plugin running setting
- [SCB-436] - Clean up the docker-compose file of booking demo
- [SCB-463] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 2.0.1.Release
- [SCB-464] - Upgrade Java Chassis version to 1.0.0-m1
- [SCB-465] - Start the build metrics of Saga in travis
- [SCB-497] - Omega test log issue
- [SCB-545] - Update the length of field serviceName from varchar(16) to varchar(36)
- [SCB-547] - EventScaner abort if the findFirstAbortedGlobalTxByType has more than one result
- [SCB-568] - Provide web page for pack Demo
- [SCB-569] - Add document about SSL setup of Pack
- [SCB-571] - Decouple OmegaContext in the Application
- [SCB-573] - Split the docker-compose file for debugging easily
- [SCB-583] - Upgrade Spring Boot version to 1.5.13.Release and 2.0.2.Release
- [SCB-628] - correct the naming of demos
- [SCB-632] - reformat code according to the google code style
- [SCB-633] - Correct artifactId and module of saga-spring-cloud-demo
- [SCB-641] - Add the dubbo transport plugin into release kit
- [SCB-642] - Update the third party dependencies version in the License file
- [SCB-20] - JDK9 not supported when unit testing while doc showing JDK8+
- [SCB-153] - Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.0
- [SCB-390] - [pack] Investigating the Byteman and the Cucumber with running the recovery acceptance tests
- [SCB-437] - [Doc] Provide a FAQ list for Saga project
- [SCB-452] - Write java doc for some class
- [SCB-555] - Add Saga Dubbo demo to show how to manage the transactions with Dubbo
- [SCB-635] - Cut Saga-0.2.0 Release
- [SCB-647] - Update LICENSE/NOTICE for release
Download links are available here
Apache ServiceComb (incubating) Saga 0.1.0
Release Notes - Apache ServiceComb - Version saga-0.1.0
- [SCB-237] - [pack] acceptance tests of success scenarios
- [SCB-278] - [pack] acceptance test of transaction failure and successful compensation scenario
- [SCB-130] - Update the Git PR template
- [SCB-323] - inconsistent port in saga demo
- [SCB-404] - The base folder name is the same for source and binary release
New Feature
- [SCB-95] - [pack] able to link sub-transactions as a single global transaction
- [SCB-96] - [pack] intercept sub-transaction commits
- [SCB-97] - [pack] update alpha about transaction state
- [SCB-98] - [pack] send compensate context from alpha to omegas
- [SCB-99] - [pack] compensate on transaction failure
- [SCB-100] - [pack] async transaction support
- [SCB-101] - [pack] design doc
- [SCB-138] - [pack] omega's callback about transaction state
- [SCB-151] - [pack] pack usage demo
- [SCB-152] - [pack] update alpha on compensation completed
- [SCB-212] - [pack] sub-transaction timeout support
- [SCB-227] - [pack] stop sub transaction from running when global tx failed
- [SCB-140] - [pack] do not compensate duplicate transaction events
- [SCB-141] - [pack] support multiple sub transaction in a single service
- [SCB-149] - [pack] service/instance aware omega callback
- [SCB-164] - [pack] alpha connection recovery on crash
- [SCB-167] - [pack] inform alpha about omega id on connection
- [SCB-168] - [pack] resend events on connection loss & load balance
- [SCB-169] - [pack] omega get notified whether events are sent successfully or not
- [SCB-173] - [pack] mark start of saga
- [SCB-174] - [pack] object serialization/deserialization
- [SCB-183] - [pack] omega callback cleanup on connection loss
- [SCB-211] - [pack] exponential backoff resending event on cluster down or network down
- [SCB-213] - [pack] proper timing to send out SagaEndedEvent on asynchronous compensation
- [SCB-218] - [pack] stateless alpha
- [SCB-220] - [pack] duplicate abort event filter to avoid redundant compensation
- [SCB-228] - Update to replace the type of TxEvent with Enum
- [SCB-232] - EventType should be same between omega and alpha
- [SCB-233] - Don't deploy if building with the PR
- [SCB-234] - [pack] fail fast if alpha cluster down
- [SCB-238] - Remove third-party dependencies which violates apache licensing policy
- [SCB-239] - [pack] omega recovery
- [SCB-243] - [pack] support to intercept java chassis
- [SCB-270] - [pack] in order compensation
- [SCB-305] - [pack] postIntercept should throw the exception when the timeout happens
- [SCB-330] - [pack] update documents of saga pack
- [SCB-395] - Add How to build into README file
- [SCB-400] - Add guides to run demo without docker compose
- [SCB-104] - simplify transport rest template implementation
- [SCB-122] - Add incubating note to website
- [SCB-123] - Add DISLAIMER to the ServiceComb git repo
- [SCB-154] - Update the package org.apache.servicecomb
- [SCB-157] - Update the release setting of pom
- [SCB-193] - Generated the Licenses,Notice and DISCLAIMER files when building the artifact
- [SCB-231] - Only publish the snapshot in master branch
- [SCB-249] - [pack] replace hibernate with other ORM tech to avoid license issue
- [SCB-260] - Prepare LICENSE/NOTICE files for releasing
- [SCB-344] - [pack] use mysql as alpha's backend database
- [SCB-346] - Create the distribution kit for Saga
- [SCB-363] - Remove legacy code from Saga
- [SCB-378] - Add readme for samples so that users can run the samples code by just reading the readme doc
- [SCB-380] - Add incubating to file name the release kit
Download links are available here
Saga 0.0.2 release
Major features
- Supported passing response from previous service to the next in Saga
- Supported returning transaction failure in response to caller
- Supported choosing sub-transaction path at runtime and provided demo application to showcase this feature
Minor improvements
- Removed an unnecessary event to reduce storage size
- Added delay between transaction retries in forward recovery mode
- Supported configuration of http timeout to requests from saga to services and default timeout is 30 seconds
- Added database failure handling when persisting events