Personal fork of JJK96's kakoune-rainbow, which gains a substantial speed boost at the cost of a more involved and slightly sketchy hook setup.
Highlights pairs of parentheses in the same color, recursive pairs are highlighted in a different color.
Add this plugin to your autoload
Or use plug
plug 'aparkerdavid/kakoune-rainbow'
execute :rainbow
to highlight the current buffer once.
execute :rainbow-enable
to highlight the current buffer continuously (note that this may be a bit laggy).
execute :rainbow-disable
to remove the highlighter
The rainbow_highlight_background
option sets whether the background of the part between braces should be highlighted.
You can override the rainbow_faces
option to set your own faces.
set-option global rainbow_faces "rgb:ff0000" "rgb:00ff00" "rgb:0000ff"
You can also override the rainbow_opening
option to set the opening parentheses regex.
set-option global rainbow_opening "[\[{(<]"