Converts folders containing systemd unit files to and from NodeJS objects. Converts this:
"hello.service": {
Unit: {
Description: "MyApp",
After: "docker.service",
Requires: "docker.service"
Service: {
ExecStart: "/usr/bin/docker run busybox /usr/bin/echo Hello World"
Type: "oneshot"
"hello2.service": {
Unit: {
Description: "MyApp",
After: "hello.service",
Requires: "hello.service"
Environment: ["MESSAGE_TARGET=World", "IMAGE=busybox"]
Service: {
ExecStart: "/usr/bin/docker run -e MESSAGE_TARGET=$MESSAGE_TARGET $IMAGE /usr/binecho \"Hello Again $MESSAGE_TARGET\""
to these:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run busybox /usr/bin/echo "Hello World"
Description=MyApp Again
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run -e MESSAGE_TARGET=$MESSAGE_TARGET $IMAGE /usr/binecho "Hello Again $MESSAGE_TARGET"
and back again. It can also read and write directories full of unit files.
On CoreOS, fleet jobs are created by generating and submitting directories of unit files. It's OK to generate them as text files, but nicer to create them as objects and translate them to unit files at the last minute.
Start here. This package won't check your unit files for validity (yet).
var su = require("systemd-unitfile");
// objRep will be an object representation of the ini files.
var objRep = su.parse("/path/to/unit/files/");
var newObjRep = transformation(objRep);
// iniRep will be an object mapping filenames to ini file contents.
var iniRep = su.dumps(newObjRep)
var singleIniFile = su.dumpsFile(newObjRep[serviceName]);
// su.write can take an object representation or an ini representation.
su.write("/path/to/new/unit/files/", iniRep);
Check unit files for validity.