[CAS-1059 ] - Svenskt should be Svenska on casLoginView.jsp
[CAS-1060 ] - Portuguese not is the list of languages in casLoginView.jsp
[CAS-1087 ] - requesting a proxy ticket for an unauthorized service generates an uncaught exception
[CAS-1126 ] - LPPE: missing password policy messages from (and other languages)
[CAS-1142 ] - Submitting blank login form results in 'CAS is unavailable'
[CAS-1144 ] - Multiple AuditResourceResolvers share the same key
[CAS-1151 ] - ibernate cannot serialize org.scribe.up.profile.facebook.FacebookObject, ticket persistence on database fails
[CAS-1156 ] - Clearpass is incompatiable with EhCache Ticket Registry
[CAS-1160 ] - Providers' authorization urls are lost during login webflow
[CAS-1162 ] - Service Registry UI: Add DnD support allowing automatic updates to the service evaluation order
[CAS-1163 ] - Classcast error in OAuth20AccessTokenController
[CAS-1174 ] - The cache manager of ClearPass conflicts with EhCache Ticket Registry
[CAS-1177 ] - SPNEGO 401 Header Status sent along with CAS Login Page
[CAS-1191 ] - Minor Typo in SamlMetaDataPopulator
[CAS-951 ] - Upgrade to OpenSAML 2.x for SAML Support
[CAS-989 ] - Include tx namespace / schema by default in deployerConfigContext.xml
[CAS-1061 ] - Improve CAS skinning
[CAS-1138 ] - There are some dependencies on slf4j 1.5.8 API which is incompatible with newer versions
[CAS-1140 ] - Develop Monitors for Vital System Components
[CAS-1141 ] - Improve OAuth module
[CAS-1143 ] - Externalize the followServiceRedirects property, default to false
[CAS-1147 ] - Refactor service authorization check to the beginning of the login flow
[CAS-1150 ] - Update to the latest jasig-parent pom (34)
[CAS-1153 ] - Optimization : delete web sessions on redirect
[CAS-1155 ] - Update the build to require JDK 1.6
[CAS-1157 ] - Polish (Poland) translation
[CAS-1159 ] - Service Registry UI: sort services by evaluation order, instead of name
[CAS-1161 ] - OAuth : Request attributes lost going through oauth authentication
[CAS-1172 ] - Expose Option on HttpClient to Ignore Redirects
[CAS-1176 ] - Externalize the configuration of quartz scheduler that reloads services.
[CAS-1180 ] - Add support for logging when CAS tries to determine the principal Id for a given service.
[CAS-1184 ] - Generate source / javadoc for snapshot artefacts
[CAS-1185 ] - Add Support for Moving Service Manager to Alternate URI Base
New Feature
[CAS-999 ] - per-service selection of user attribute as username
Security Bug
[CAS-1190 ] - Follow Redirects from LogoutController Should Honor Registered Services
[CAS-1154 ] - Update missing maven plugin versions in the pom
[CAS-1158 ] - Update project POMs to note the organization as "Jasig"
[CAS-1178 ] - Upgrade the person directory dependency to v.1.5.1
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