- dc58696 ac526a3 fixed memcached serialization issue with no-arg constructors (@mmoayyed)
- 766b305 fixed issue with attribute repository serialization. (@mmoayyed)
- #1210 Removed NotNull annotation from
(@mmoayyed) - df36c69 fixed issue with inflation of saml authN request for google apps (@mmoayyed)
- #1189 Clean out all STs immediately when TGT is destroyed (@mduszyk)
- #1196 Upgrade ldaptive to 1.0.7 (@mmoayyed)
- 6f614c2 migrate vt-crypt dependency to cryptacular (@mmoayyed)
- 7d270eb removed service ticket registry from central auth service (@mduszyk)
- 4eff107 Enable returning of null principal per config, when no attributes are found (@mmoayyed)
- a75af8e removed transactional (@mmoayyed)