A tool for communities
- Obtain Python 3.8.x
- Run
$ pip3.8 install --user pipenv
. This will installpipenv
. Make sure it's in your$PATH
. - Clone the repo
- Go to the project root. Run
pipenv install
. This should install the dependencies (django
) in a virtual environment. You will likely be missing some build dependencies forpsycopg
. Read here to install them on your system (scroll down to Build prequisites): https://www.psycopg.org/docs/install.html - Install postgresql and postgresl-client if you're running a Debian-based linux distro. Otherwise, figure out the corresponding package names on your system.
- Running
# su - postgres
will switch you to the userpostgres
(a privileged user with access to all postgresql databases). Aspostgres
, runpsql
. This will drop you into the postgressql shell. - Follow the instructions under the heading Create A PostgreSQL User and
Database here: https://djangocentral.com/using-postgresql-with-django/ for
the username
, databasenamecemiyetdb
and passwordsibercan
(these values can be found incemiyet/cemiyet/settings.py
in the value of the constantDATABASES
). If you want to use your own values, look into the usage of thelocal_settings.py
file (it will be.gitignore
d), for instance here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4909958/django-local-settings . - If everything went well, the django app should be able to talk to the
database. Go to the project root and issue
$ pipenv shell
. This will drop you into a virtual environment shell. Chenge to the directorycemiyet
, wheremanage.py
lives. Run$ python manage.py migrate
. This should do some stuff, which, if completed without errors, should mean that django can talk to your database. To verify this, swith to thepostgres
user as you did before on another terminal, not from the virtual environment, and drop to the postgresql shell as you did before. There, the command\c cemiyetdb
followed by\d
should show you some django-related stuff. This means all is good. - Run (from the python virtual environment)
$ python manage.py runserver
. This should serve the site, which you should be able to access from your browser at127.0.0.1:8000
. This local site should be enough for development. - Make yourself a branch and think of something to do. Push to your branch when you complete something.
- Add the line cemiyet.vps
. This will allow you to usehttp://cemiyet.vps
in the browser to access the live site or to$ ssh <username>@cemiyet.vps
. If you use any other name thancemiyet.vps
, the site won't respond, because the name is in the configuration of the server.
- Figure out how to override widget attributes for forms.
- Out of the box Django installation with database setting changes.
- Login wall.
Postgres :
- Create dir for persistence data (e.g.
) - Run command :
$ docker run --rm --name pg -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=XXX -e POSTGRES_USER=XXX -e POSTGRES_DB=XXX -v $HOME/django/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
DEBUG = True
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost','','']
SECRET_KEY = <Something you generate locally>
From Model To Migration : python manage.py makemigrations After pulling new Code : python manage.py migrate