Open-Source Flask Dashboard generated by the AppSeed
platform with basic modules, database, authentication, and deployment scripts on top of Volt Dashboard (free version). Volt Dashboard is a free and open-source Bootstrap 5 dashboard template featuring over 100 components, 11 example pages, and 3 plugins with Vanilla JS. There are more than 100 free Bootstrap 5 components included some of them being buttons, alerts, modals, date pickers, and so on.
- π Volt Dashboard Flask -
Product page
- π Volt Dashboard Flask -
Have questions?
Contact Support (Email & Discord) provided by AppSeed
Free Version | PRO Version | Custom Development |
β Up-to-date dependencies | Everything in Free, plus: | Everything in PRO, plus: |
β Best Practices | β Premium Bootstrap 5 Design | β
1 Week Custom Development |
β DB: SQLite, MySql | β
OAuth for Github |
β Team: PM, Developer, Tester |
β DB Tools: ORM, Flask-Migrate | β
Extended User Model |
β Weekly Sprints |
β Session-Based authentication | β
Users Roles |
β Technical SPECS |
β Docker |
Private REPO Access |
β Documentation |
β CI/CD Flow via Render |
β PRO Support - Email & Discord | β 30 days Delivery Warranty |
β Free Support |
- | β CI/CD for AWS, DO (Extra) |
--------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
β LIVE Demo | π LIVE Demo PRO |
Get in Touch β‘οΈ |
To use the starter, Python3 should be installed properly in the workstation. If you are not sure if Python is installed, please open a terminal and type python --version
. Here is the full list with dependencies and tools required to build the app:
- Python3 - the programming language used to code the app
- GIT - used to clone the source code from the Github repository
- Basic development tools (g++ compiler, python development libraries ..etc) used by Python to compile the app dependencies in your environment.
- (Optional)
- a popular virtualization software
π Step 1 - Download the code from the GH repository (using
$ git clone
$ cd flask-volt-dashboard
π Step 2 - Start the APP in
$ docker-compose up --build
Visit http://localhost:5085
in your browser. The app should be up & running.
The meaning of each variable can be found below:
: ifTrue
the app runs in develoment mode- For production value
should be used
- For production value
: used in assets management- default value:
- default value:
via GithubGITHUB_ID
Download the code
$ git clone
$ cd flask-volt-dashboard
Install modules via
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Set Up Flask Environment
$ export
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
Start the app
$ flask run
// OR
$ flask run --cert=adhoc # For HTTPS server
At this point, the app runs at
Install modules via
$ virtualenv env
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Set Up Flask Environment
$ # CMD
$ set
$ set FLASK_ENV=development
$ # Powershell
$ $env:FLASK_APP = ".\"
$ $env:FLASK_ENV = "development"
Start the app
$ flask run
// OR
$ flask run --cert=adhoc # For HTTPS server
At this point, the app runs at
By default, the app redirects guest users to authenticate. In order to access the private pages, follow this set up:
- Start the app via
flask run
- Access the
page and create a new user:
- Access the
sign in
page and authenticatehttp://
The project is coded using blueprints, app factory pattern, dual configuration profile (development and production) and an intuitive structure presented bellow:
|-- apps/
| |
| |-- home/ # A simple app that serve HTML files
| | |-- # Define app routes
| |
| |-- authentication/ # Handles auth routes (login and register)
| | |-- # Define authentication routes
| | |-- # Defines models
| | |-- # Define auth forms (login and register)
| |
| |-- static/
| | |-- <css, JS, images> # CSS files, Javascripts files
| |
| |-- templates/ # Templates used to render pages
| | |-- includes/ # HTML chunks and components
| | | |-- navigation.html # Top menu component
| | | |-- sidebar.html # Sidebar component
| | | |-- footer.html # App Footer
| | | |-- scripts.html # Scripts common to all pages
| | |
| | |-- layouts/ # Master pages
| | | |-- base-fullscreen.html # Used by Authentication pages
| | | |-- base.html # Used by common pages
| | |
| | |-- accounts/ # Authentication pages
| | | |-- login.html # Login page
| | | |-- register.html # Register page
| | |
| | |-- home/ # UI Kit Pages
| | |-- index.html # Index page
| | |-- 404-page.html # 404 page
| | |-- *.html # All other pages
| |
| # Set up the app
| # Initialize the app
|-- requirements.txt # App Dependencies
|-- .env # Inject Configuration via Environment
|-- # Start the app - WSGI gateway
|-- ************************************************************************
β PRO Version
For more components, pages and priority on support, feel free to take a look at this amazing starter:
Volt Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 800 components, 20 example pages and 10 fully customized plugin written in Vanilla Javascript.
- π Flask Volt PRO - product page
- β
Enhanced UI
- more pages and components - β
on support
- β
Volt Dashboard Flask - Open-source starter generated by App Generator.