External Resources module to provision and manage Elasticache clusters in AWS with app-interface.
- Terraform CDKTF
- AWS provider
- Random provider
- Python 3.11
- Pydantic
⚠️ AttentionThe CDKTF Python module generation needs at least 12GB of memory and takes around 5 minutes to complete.
Prepare your lcoal development environment:
make dev
See the Makefile
for more details.
To debug and run the module locally, run the following commands:
# setup the environment
$ export VERSION=$(grep konflux.additional-tags Dockerfile | cut -f2 -d\")
$ export IMAGE=quay.io/redhat-services-prod/app-sre-tenant/er-aws-elasticache-main/er-aws-elasticache-main:$VERSION
# Get the input file from app-interface
qontract-cli --config=<CONFIG_TOML> external-resources --provisioner <AWS_ACCOUNT_NAME> --provider elasticache --identifier <IDENTIFIER> get-input > tmp/input.json
# Get the AWS credentials
$ vault login -method=oidc -address=https://vault.devshift.net
$ vault kv get \
-mount app-sre/ \
-field credentials \
external-resources/<AWS_ACCOUNT_NAME> > tmp/credentials
# Run the stack
$ docker run --rm -it \
--mount type=bind,source=$PWD/tmp/input.json,target=/inputs/input.json \
--mount type=bind,source=$PWD/tmp/credentials,target=/credentials \
Get the stack file:
docker rm -f erv2 && docker run --name cdktf-debug \
--mount type=bind,source=$PWD/tmp/input.json,target=/inputs/input.json \
--mount type=bind,source=$PWD/tmp/credentials,target=/credentials \
--entrypoint cdktf \
"$IMAGE" \
synth --output /tmp/cdktf.out
docker cp cdktf-debug:/tmp/cdktf.out/stacks/CDKTF/cdk.tf.json tmp/cdk.tf.json
Compile the plan:
cd tmp/...
export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=../credentials
terraform init
terraform plan -out=plan.out
terraform show -json plan.out > plan.json
Run the validation:
export ER_INPUT_FILE=$PWD/tmp/input.json
python hooks/validate_plan.py tmp/plan.json