This repository sets up a project as described in the precourse material on TypeScript. I've used it to copy and paste from during conversion of the repositories of the JSFS-course, but realized that it can be useful for anyone that wants to get started.
It only contains what you need to get started with development with TypeScript, Salt-style.
You can set it up in a new directory, by using these commands:
npm init --yes
npm i -D typescript ts-node mocha
npm i -D @types/mocha @types/node eslint-config-salt-typescript
mkdir src
touch src/index.ts
touch src/index.test.ts
echo "{
\"compilerOptions\": {
\"module\": \"NodeNext\",
\"moduleResolution\": \"NodeNext\",
\"sourceMap\": true,
\"target\": \"ES2015\",
\"outDir\": \"dist\"
\"include\": [\"src\"],
\"exclude\": [\"node_modules\"],
}" > tsconfig.json
echo "{
\"extends\": \"salt-typescript\",
\"parserOptions\": {
\"project\": \"tsconfig.json\"
}" > .eslintrc
npx --yes scradd . "test" "mocha -r ts-node/register src/**/*.test.ts" -o
npx --yes scradd . dev "ts-node ./src/index.ts"
npx --yes scradd . build "tsc ./src/index.ts"
npx --yes scradd . lint "eslint ./src/**/*.ts"
npx --yes gitignore node
You can then test the commands using
npm ci # reinstall
npm run test
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run dev
These should all work, although they don't do much