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Elasticsearch Reference [5.3](中文翻译)

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章节 贡献者
入门 @那伊抹微笑
  基本概念 @那伊抹微笑@阿叩
  安装 @那伊抹微笑@阿叩
  探索集群 @那伊抹微笑@阿叩
    集群健康 @那伊抹微笑@阿叩
    获取所有索引库 @那伊抹微笑@阿叩
    创建一个索引库 @那伊抹微笑@阿叩
    索引文档创建与查询 @那伊抹微笑@阿叩
    删除索引 @阿叩
  修改数据 @阿叩
    更新文档 @阿叩
    删除文档 @阿叩
    批量处理 @阿叩
  探索您的数据 @阿叩
    搜索API @阿叩
    查询语言介绍 @阿叩
    执行搜索 @阿叩
    执行过滤 @阿叩
    执行聚合 @阿叩
  总结 @阿叩
Elasticsearch设置 @漫步@geekidentity@阿叩
  安装Elasticsearch @阿叩
    .zip或.tar.gz文件的安装方式 @阿叩
    Debian软件包安装方式 @阿叩
    RPM安装方式 @阿叩
    Windows安装方式 @阿叩
    Docker安装方式 @阿叩
  配置Elasticsearch @阿叩
  重要的Elasticsearch配置 @阿叩
  安全配置 @阿叩
  启动前检查 @阿叩
    堆大小检查 @阿叩
    文件描述符检查 @阿叩
    内存锁定检查 @阿叩
    最大线程数检查 @阿叩
    最大虚拟内存检查 @阿叩
    最大map数检查 @阿叩
    JVM检查 @阿叩
    串行收集使用检查 @阿叩
    系统调用过滤检查 @阿叩
    OnError与OnOutOfMemroyError检查 @阿叩
    G1GC检查 @阿叩
  重要的系统配置 @阿叩
    系统设置 @阿叩
    在jvm.options中设置JVM堆大小 @阿叩
    禁用swapping @阿叩
    文件描述符 @阿叩
    虚拟内存 @阿叩
    线程数 @阿叩
  Elasticsearch升级 @阿叩
    滚动升级 @阿叩
    全集群重启升级 @阿叩
    索引重建升级 @阿叩
  Elasticsearch停机 @阿叩
    Index API变化
    Document API变化
    REST API变化
    CAT API变化
    JAVA API变化
API约定 @小瑶
  多索引语法 @小瑶@阿叩
  索引库名称的日期运算 @小瑶@阿叩
  常用选项 @小瑶@阿叩
  URL-based访问控制 @小瑶@阿叩
文档API @阿叩
  读写文档 @阿叩
  Index API @小瑶@那伊抹微笑@阿叩
  Get API @阿叩
  Delete API @阿叩
  Delete By Query API @阿叩
  Update API @阿叩
  Update By Query API @阿叩
  Multi Get API @阿叩
  Bulk API @阿叩
  Reindex API @阿叩
  Term Vectors @阿叩
  Multi termvectors API @阿叩
  refresh @阿叩
搜索API @阿叩
  Search @阿叩
  URI Search @ping
  Request Body Search @阿叩
    Query @阿叩
    From / Size @ping
    Sort @ping
    Source filtering @ping
    Fields @ping
    Script Fields @ping
    Doc value Fields @ping
    Post filter @ping
    Highlighting @ping
    Rescoring @ping
    Search Type @ping
    Scroll @ping
    Preference @ping
    Explain @ping
    Version @ping
    Index Boost @ping
    min_score @ping
    Named Queries @ping
    Inner hits @ping
    Field Collapsing @李辰
    Search After @ping
  Search Template @Josh
  Multi Search Template @Josh
  Search Shards API @Josh
  Suggesters @Josh
    Term suggester @Josh
    Phrase Suggester @Josh
    Completion Suggester @Josh
    Context Suggester @Josh
  Multi Search API @阿叩
  Count API @琴剑蓝天
  Validate API @琴剑蓝天
  Explain API @阿叩
  Profile API @王晗
    Profiling Queries @王晗@岑晓燕
    Profiling Aggregations @岑晓燕
    Profiling Considerations @岑晓燕
  Percolator @阿叩
  Field stats API @阿叩
  Metrics Aggregations
    Avg Aggregation
    Cardinality Aggregation
    Extended Stats Aggregation
    Geo Bounds Aggregation
    Geo Centroid Aggregation
    Max Aggregation
    Min Aggregation
    Percentiles Aggregation
    Percentile Ranks Aggregation
    Scripted Metric Aggregation
    Stats Aggregation
    Sum Aggregation
    Top hits Aggregation
    Value Count Aggregation
  Bucket Aggregations
    Adjacency Matrix Aggregation
    Children Aggregation
    Date Histogram Aggregation
    Date Range Aggregation
    Diversified Sampler Aggregation
    Filter Aggregation
    Filters Aggregation
    Geo Distance Aggregation
    GeoHash grid Aggregation
    Global Aggregation
    Histogram Aggregation
    IP Range Aggregation
    Missing Aggregation
    Nested Aggregation
    Range Aggregation
    Reverse nested Aggregation
    Sampler Aggregation
    Significant Terms Aggregation
    Terms Aggregation
  Pipeline Aggregations
    Avg Bucket Aggregation
    Derivative Aggregation
    Max Bucket Aggregation
    Min Bucket Aggregation
    Sum Bucket Aggregation
    Stats Bucket Aggregation
    Extended Stats Bucket Aggregation
    Percentiles Bucket Aggregation
    Moving Average Aggregation
    Cumulative Sum Aggregation
    Bucket Script Aggregation
    Bucket Selector Aggregation
    Serial Differencing Aggregation
  Matrix Aggregations
    Matrix Stats
  Caching heavy aggregations
  Returning only aggregation results
  Aggregation Metadata
  Create Index
  Delete Index
  Get Index
  Indices Exists
  Open / Close Index API
  Shrink Index
  Rollover Index
  Put Mapping
  Get Mapping
  Get Field Mapping
  Types Exists
  Index Aliases
  Update Indices Settings
  Get Settings
    Explain Analyze
  Index Templates
  Shadow replica indices
    Node level settings related to shadow replicas
  Indices Stats
  Indices Segments
  Indices Recovery
  Indices Shard Stores
  Clear Cache
    Synced Flush
  Force Merge
cat API
  cat aliases
  cat allocation
  cat count
  cat fielddata
  cat health
  cat indices
  cat master
  cat nodeattrs
  cat nodes
  cat pending tasks
  cat plugins
  cat recovery
  cat repositories
  cat thread pool
  cat shards
  cat segments
  cat snapshots
  cat templates
  Cluster Health
  Cluster State
  Cluster Stats
  Pending cluster tasks
  Cluster Reroute
  Cluster Update Settings
  Nodes Stats
  Nodes Info
  Task Management API
  Nodes hot_threads
  Cluster Allocation Explain API
  Query and filter context
  Match All Query
  Full text queries
    Match Query
    Match Phrase Query
    Match Phrase Prefix Query
    Multi Match Query
    Common Terms Query
    Query String Query
    Simple Query String Query
  Term level queries
    Term Query
    Terms Query
    Range Query
    Exists Query
    Prefix Query
    Wildcard Query
    Regexp Query
    Fuzzy Query
    Type Query
    Ids Query
  Compound queries
    Constant Score Query
    Bool Query
    Dis Max Query
    Function Score Query
    Boosting Query
    Indices Query
  Joining queries
    Nested Query
    Has Child Query
    Has Parent Query
    Parent Id Query
  Geo queries
    GeoShape Query
    Geo Bounding Box Query
    Geo Distance Query
    Geo Distance Range Query
    Geo Polygon Query
  Specialized queries
    More Like This Query
    Template Query
    Script Query
    Percolate Query
  Span queries
    Span Term Query
    Span Multi Term Query
    Span First Query
    Span Near Query
    Span Or Query
    Span Not Query
    Span Containing Query
    Span Within Query
    Span Field Masking Query
  Minimum Should Match
  Multi Term Query Rewrite
  Field datatypes
    Array datatype
    Binary datatype
    Range datatypes
    Boolean datatype
    Date datatype
    Geo-point datatype
    Geo-Shape datatype
    IP datatype
    Keyword datatype
    Nested datatype
    Numeric datatypes
    Object datatype
    String datatype
    Text datatype
    Token count datatype
    Percolator type
    _all field
    _field_names field
    _id field
    _index field
    _meta field
    _parent field
    _routing field
    _source field
    _type field
    _uid field
  Mapping parameters
  Dynamic Mapping
    default mapping
    Dynamic field mapping
    Dynamic templates
    Override default template
  Anatomy of an analyzer
  Testing analyzers
    Configuring built-in analyzers
    Standard Analyzer
    Simple Analyzer
    Whitespace Analyzer
    Stop Analyzer
    Keyword Analyzer
    Pattern Analyzer
    Language Analyzers
    Fingerprint Analyzer
    Custom Analyzer
    Standard Tokenizer
    Letter Tokenizer
    Lowercase Tokenizer
    Whitespace Tokenizer
    UAX URL Email Tokenizer
    Classic Tokenizer
    Thai Tokenizer
    NGram Tokenizer
    Edge NGram Tokenizer
    Keyword Tokenizer
    Pattern Tokenizer
    Path Hierarchy Tokenizer
  Token Filters
    Standard Token Filter
    ASCII Folding Token Filter
    Flatten Graph Token Filter
    Length Token Filter
    Lowercase Token Filter
    Uppercase Token Filter
    NGram Token Filter
    Edge NGram Token Filter
    Porter Stem Token Filter
    Shingle Token Filter
    Stop Token Filter
    Word Delimiter Token Filter
    Stemmer Token Filter
    Stemmer Override Token Filter
    Keyword Marker Token Filter
    Keyword Repeat Token Filter
    KStem Token Filter
    Snowball Token Filter
    Phonetic Token Filter
    Synonym Token Filter
    Synonym Graph Token Filter
    Compound Word Token Filter
    Reverse Token Filter
    Elision Token Filter
    Truncate Token Filter
    Unique Token Filter
    Pattern Capture Token Filter
    Pattern Replace Token Filter
    Trim Token Filter
    Limit Token Count Token Filter
    Hunspell Token Filter
    Common Grams Token Filter
    Normalization Token Filter
    CJK Width Token Filter
    CJK Bigram Token Filter
    Delimited Payload Token Filter
    Keep Words Token Filter
    Keep Types Token Filter
    Classic Token Filter
    Apostrophe Token Filter
    Decimal Digit Token Filter
    Fingerprint Token Filter
    Minhash Token Filter
  Character Filters
    HTML Strip Char Filter
    Mapping Char Filter
    Pattern Replace Char Filter
模块 @阿叩
    Azure Classic Discovery
    EC2 Discovery
    Google Compute Engine Discovery
    Zen Discovery
  脚本 @阿叩
    Lucene表达式语言 @阿叩
    原生(java)脚本 @阿叩
    高级文本评分脚本 @阿叩
  快照与还原 @阿叩
  线程池 @阿叩
  Index Shard Allocation
    Shard Allocation Filtering
    Delaying allocation when a node leaves
    Index recovery prioritization
    Total Shards Per Node
  Similarity module
  Slow Log
    Pre-loading data into the file system cache
  Pipeline Definition
  Ingest APIs
    Put Pipeline API
    Get Pipeline API
    Delete Pipeline API
    Simulate Pipeline API
  Accessing Data in Pipelines
  Handling Failures in Pipelines
    Append Processor
    Convert Processor
    Date Processor
    Date Index Name Processor
    Fail Processor
    Foreach Processor
    Grok Processor
    Gsub Processor
    Join Processor
    JSON Processor
    KV Processor
    Lowercase Processor
    Remove Processor
    Rename Processor
    Script Processor
    Set Processor
    Split Processor
    Sort Processor
    Trim Processor
    Uppercase Processor
    Dot Expander Processor
How To
  General recommendations
  Tune for indexing speed
  Tune for search speed
  Tune for disk usage
  Java Testing Framework
    why randomized testing?
    Using the elasticsearch test classes
    unit tests
    integration tests
    Randomized testing
  5.3.0 Release Notes
  5.2.2 Release Notes
  5.2.1 Release Notes
  5.2.0 Release Notes
  5.1.2 Release Notes
  5.1.1 Release Notes
  5.1.0 Release Notes
  5.0.2 Release Notes
  5.0.1 Release Notes
  5.0.0 Combined Release Notes
  5.0.0 GA Release Notes
  5.0.0-rc1 Release Notes
  5.0.0-beta1 Release Notes
  5.0.0-alpha5 Release Notes
  5.0.0-alpha4 Release Notes
  5.0.0-alpha3 Release Notes
  5.0.0-alpha2 Release Notes
  5.0.0-alpha1 Release Notes
  5.0.0-alpha1 Release Notes (Changes previously released in 2.x)
Painless API参考文档


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