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Stadium Tickets App REST API Using Express With MVC Architecture

BadgeNodeJS BadgeExpress BadgeMySQL BadgeAzure BadgeAzureAppService BadgeHeroku

📝 Documentation

The documentation was generated using Postman and is divided into collections at the following URLs:

Endpoint URL

📀 Installation

1. Getting Started

# Clone this repo to your local machine using
git clone

# Get into the directory
cd Stadium-Tickets-Backend

# Make it your own
rm -rf .git && git init (For Linux/MacOS)
rm .git -r -fo; git init (For Windows PowerShell)

# Copy example.env and create your own .env file in envs folder
cp .env.example envs/.env

# Move into the envs dir
cd envs

# Edit .env file and add your postgre username, password and db name, host,
# port, jwt_secret
vscode .env

# Create different .env.{NODE_ENV} file for each environment and override only your
# required variables. The missing ones will be loaded from .env by default.
# For example if you want dev, production and test environments:
cp .env
cp .env.production
cp .env.test

# When the NODE_ENV variable is set while running, the correct .env loads automatically.
# e.g. Setting NODE_ENV=production is going to load the .env.production file

# Add a gitignore to ignore node_modules and your .env file
echo -e 'node_modules \n envs \n' >> .gitignore

2. Setting up node js

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run the server locally with default .env file
npm start

# Run the server in dev mode with nodemon with file
npm run dev

# While deploying to production with .env.production file
npm run production

# To run lint checks or to run and fix them
npm run lint or npm run lint:fix

# To run unit tests
npm run test:unit

# To run integration tests
npm run test:intg

# To run all tests (unit+intg) or run all tests and generate coverage
npm run test or npm run test:coverage

:electron: Setup CI (Github Actions)

If you want to run the github testing and PR labelling workflows in the CI then:

Create the following repository secrets:

  • DB_HOST: your_db_host (If using CI mysql service set to
  • DB_USER: your_db_user (If using CI mysql service set this to 'root')
  • DB_PASS: your_db_password (If using CI mysql service set this to 'root')
  • DB_TEST_DATABASE: your_test_database_name
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY: value should be your .env file variable => sendgrid_api_key
  • SENDGRID_SENDER: value should be your .env file variable => from_email
  • SECRET_JWT: value should be your .env file variable => your_secret
  • PRODUCTION_ENV: contents of the base .env + .env.production files
  • HEROKU_API_KEY: value for the heroku api key
  • AZURE_PUBLISH_PROFILE: the contents of the downloaded publish profile from Azure
  • WEBAPP_NAME: name of the deployed webapp, should match heroku/azure project name

📕 Important Notes

  • The healthcheck endpoint is to ensure the status of the API from the CI so we can be sure we are deploying a working API only.
  • If you add/remove/change the names of any folders/file extensions make sure to update the labeler.yml

Enjoy :)

🔐 Security

Take the following steps to ensure security of configurations

# 1. Convert the envs folder to zip file
# 2. Encrypt it using gpg passphrase
gpg --output encrypted_envs.gpg --symmetric envs.rar
# 3. Decrypt it using gpg passphrase
gpg --output envs.rar --decrypt encrypted_envs.gpg

🔧 Tech

This example uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

📑 License

Stadium-Tickets-Backend © 2021 by Abdur Rafay Saleem is licensed under CC BY 4.0


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