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<raml-docs-resource-viewer> An element that displays a documentation for a RAML's resource object

Note: This element requires currentPath property to be set* in order to compute methods and sub-resources list. It is required for navigation.


<raml-docs-resource-viewer current-path="{{path}}" raml="{{resource}}"></raml-docs-resource-viewer>

Requesting navigation to method / sub-property

When the user click on the name of a method or a sub-resource then the raml-path-changed event will be fired with the path property in event detail object. Parent element(s) should use this event to handle the change and navigate to sub-resource.

Method 1) assumes that Polymer's data binding model is used and parent element listens to change in currentPath:

<raml-docs-resource-viewer current-path="{{path}}"></raml-docs-resource-viewer>

Note use of {{}} instead of [[]] (more about that). Observers can observe change to the path property and change current object.

Second method uses event handling to handle path change:

<raml-docs-resource-viewer id="resourceViewer" current-path="[[path]]"></raml-docs-resource-viewer>
init: function() {
  document.querySelector('#resourceViewer').addEventListener('raml-path-changed', this._navigate.bind(this));

_navigate: function(e) {
  var path = e.detail.path;
  // Do somethind with path, like use `<raml-path-to-object>` element.


The internal elemnts uses as uch width as they need. The code view displays code snippets without text wrapping by defaul. To set proper width set the width or max-width on this element so any code snippet will respect this limitation.

  style="max-width: 900px"></raml-docs-resource-viewer>

This is also can be dome by setting max-width on any other parent elements.

<raml-docs-resource-viewer> provides the following custom properties and mixins for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--raml-docs-resource-viewer Mixin applied to the element {}
--raml-docs-h1 Mixin applied to H1 {}
--raml-docs-h2 Mixin applied to H2 {}
--raml-docs-h3 Mixin applied to H3 {}
--raml-docs-item-description Mixin applied to the description field. {}
--raml-docs-table-max-width Max width applied to the tables. Suggested to not exceed 800px, otherwise it may cause usability issues. 800px
--raml-docs-link Mixin applied to the links elements. {}
--raml-docs-link-color Color of the link elements #00A1DF
--docs-parameters-table Mixin applied to all parameter table elements {}
--docs-parameters-url-table Mixin applied to this elements {}
--params-table-header-background-color Background color of table header #00A1DF
--params-table-header-color Font color of table header rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87)
--params-table-subheader-background-color Background color of table subheader rgba(0, 161, 223, 0.24)
--params-table-subheader-color Font color of table subheader rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)
--params-table-row-border-color Border color of table's each row #00A1DF
--params-table-row-background-color Background color of table's each row #fff
--params-table-row-color Font color of table's each row #fff
--docs-parameters-table-cell Mixin applied to each cell {}
--docs-parameters-table-meta Mixin applied to property's metadata (example, pattern, etc) {}
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-title-border-color Border color applied to the border of the section headline elements #e5e5e5
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-narrow-container-width width of the main container in the narrow view calc(100vw - 32px)
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-navigation Mixin applied to the links section {}
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-navigation-wide-layout Mixin applied to the links section in wide layout {}
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-content Mixin applied to the main content section. {}
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-container Mixin applied to the container that is holding main content and navigation containers {}
--arc-font-headline Mixin applied to all headline (h1) elements in ARC ecosystem.
--arc-font-title Mixin applied to all title elements in ARC ecosystem. {}
--arc-font-body1 Mixin applied to a ARC's body element {}
--sidebar-list Mixin applied to sidebar list of links {}
--sidebar-list-link Mixin applied to each link in sidebar list of links {}
--sidebar-list-link-hover Mixin applied to :hover state for links in sidebar list of links {}
--toggle-button Mixin applied to toggling button (show/hide) {}
--toggle-button-hover Mixin applied to toggling button on hover (show/hide) {}
--raml-docs-method-viewer-title-area-actions Mixin applied to toggling actions area {}
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list Mixin applied to the list of traits container {}
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-values Mixin applied to the list of traits values (names) {}
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-label Mixin applied to the list of traits list label {}
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-values-color Color of the traits list values (names) rgba(0,0,0,0.94)
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-color Color of the traits list section rgba(0,0,0,0.74)
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-values-color Color of the traits list values (names) rgba(0,0,0,0.94)
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-label-color Color of the traits list label inherit
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-help-icon A mixin applied to the "more info" icon {}
--raml-docs-method-viewer-traits-list-padding Padding applied to the traits and resource types container 0px 12px
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-annotations-color Color of the annotations lable rgba(0,0,0,0.74)
--raml-docs-resource-viewer-annotations Mixin applied to the annotations label {}


Name Description Params
raml-path-changed An event fired when the user cliecked on a method/sub-resource link. Before the event is fired the currentPath propery is set. If parent element is listening for change on this property then it's redundand to listen for this event. none