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开源项目 | 链接 | 概述 | 评级 |
HAsim | https://github.com/HAsim-Modeling | hyper-asim 多核,基于fpga设计 | |
qflex | https://github.com/parsa-epfl/qflex | cycle accurate + qemu | |
calipers | https://github.com/microsoft/calipers https://github.com/baichen318/arch-explorer | 图依赖的性能建模,同时还需要参考白晨的macro paper,比较重要! | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
sim-godson | https://github.com/dzwduan/sim-godson | 执行驱动,cache部分精确建模,代码风格极好,几乎没有发现bug | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
akita | https://github.com/sarchlab/akita | https://space.bilibili.com/91181150 有课程,有文档,能提问 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
esesc | https://github.com/masc-ucsc/esesc | 40MIPS with sampling ;可配置的内存层次,支持PPA,发表在HPCA2013 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
macsim | https://github.com/gthparch/macsim | trace driven or execution-drive cycle level simulator,支持多核、noc,PPA; | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
p2im | https://whutslab.github.io/2023/04/26/%E7%BB%84%E4%BC%9A%E7%BA%AA%E8%A6%81/ | 外设建模,基于qemu | |
mipt-mips | https://github.com/MIPT-ILab/mipt-mips | cycle accurate, fork asim 能run | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
SimEng | https://github.com/UoB-HPC/SimEng | 比较简洁,有文档,最近有更新 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
dreamCore v1 & v2 | https://github.com/lizhirui/DreamCoreV2 | 将全局的dff放到一个列表里边统一更新,速度不是很快,更注重微架构的实现,正在尝试cv一个demo 🏗️ | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
map | https://github.com/sparcians/map | 20年老法师框架,应有尽有,维护也很积极,可以与systemc gem5等联动 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
raspsim | https://github.com/aengelke/raspsim | fork from PTLsim,但是可以借鉴一部分超标量的设计写法 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
scarab | https://github.com/hpsresearchgroup/scarab | x86 isa, 支持 600 KIPS trace-driven, 100 KIPS exec-driven,支持Wrong path simulation dvfs,但是只支持32bit, 不支持多线程,不支持操作系统,不支持mesh等;已于2022停止更新 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
ml-rsim | https://github.com/dzwduan/ml-rsim | cache bus dram 建模可以参考,考虑了IO和系统交互产生的影响,搭建了IO和操作系统的基础设置;但是代码过于古老,需要重新移植才能在linux上面运行 | ⭐⭐⭐ |
onikiri2 | https://github.com/onikiri/onikiri2 | 跑出来了,但是xml怎么看结果,lib还是win32的库,可视化也打不开, 流水线也是基于队列建模 | ⭐⭐⭐ |
champsim | https://github.com/ChampSim/ChampSim | for education,简简单单入个门,可以在它的基础上进行branch predictor, prefetcher 设计 | ⭐⭐⭐:star |
marss-riscv | https://github.com/bucaps/marss-riscv | 全系统,cycle accurate, 支持ooo, 支持dramsim3和ramulator;实测下来发现需要在他的vm里边跑coremark,而且连coremark都跑不动,但是他的驱动很齐全,值得学习;已于2022停止更新 | ⭐⭐⭐ |
Asim | https://github.com/Asim-Modeling | 30年老法师框架,藏东西了,和论文不符合,降级 | ⭐⭐⭐ |
simflex | https://parsa.epfl.ch/simflex/ | smarts | |
riscv-ovpsim | https://github.com/riscv-ovpsim/imperas-riscv-tests | 印度理工和sifive建模用,riscv主流工具,只开源了bin | ⭐⭐⭐ |
gem5 | https://github.com/gem5/gem5 | 乱序核是tick driven, cache是event driven,很多优秀的写法可以借鉴,比如实现了门级的stdcell,实现了动态功耗统计,还有一些抽象功能的写法,都较为优秀。微架构是alpha21264,缺点是写法要基于原有的框架进行实现,但是原有框架兼容性较高,损失了相当的性能,且修改微架构成本过高。使用python作为用户接口调用底层的C++实现,目前可能并不需要 | ⭐⭐⭐ |
cycle-accurate-SystemC-simulator-over-ramulator | https://github.com/Liu-Cheng/cycle-accurate-SystemC-simulator-over-ramulator | ⭐⭐⭐ | |
fifo_ca_model | https://github.com/liang-aquarius/ca_model | 每个周期对所有module run and update,类似SCore的思路,有dump wave的功能,实现是每个clk进行连线,大量的赋值语句,会很慢,跟Score一个样,说明不能瞎琢磨 | ⭐⭐ |
risc-vp | https://github.com/agra-uni-bremen/riscv-vp | tlm2.0 + instruction-based timing model,不考虑乱序、流水线、cache等 | ⭐ |
hsaemu | https://github.com/SSLAB-HSA/HSAemu | apu system. too old,异构计算,zhi'chi | ⭐ |
multi2sim | https://github.com/Multi2Sim/multi2sim | cpu and gpu simulator | ⭐ |
vcml | https://github.com/machineware-gmbh/vcml | tlm组件库 | |
sinuca | https://github.com/mazalves/sinuca | ||
simplescalar | https://github.com/toddmaustin/simplesim-3.0 | ooo processor simulator | |
esysim | https://github.com/wangeddie67/ESYSim | 仿真模型 | |
mgsim | https://github.com/svp-dev/mgsim | for teaching | |
zsim | https://github.com/s5z/zsim | 数亿条指令/秒,not ca,cache建模很厉害 | |
sniper | https://github.com/snipersim/snipersim | 很强,但是代码比较难读 | |
ramulator | https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/ramulator | 高精度dram simulator,二代好像有问题 | |
mcpat | https://github.com/HewlettPackard/mcpat | https://github.com/H2020-COSSIM/cMcPAT | |
dramsys4.0 | https://github.com/tukl-msd/DRAMSys | Cycle-accurate DDR3/4, 支持gem5, 基于systemc TLM2 | |
cacti | https://github.com/HewlettPackard/cacti | 对ppa建模很有用 | |
riscv_vhdl | https://github.com/sergeykhbr/riscv_vhdl | ||
openSparc T1 & T2 | 找我要code,官网失效 | 工业界源码,not cycle accurate 暂时搁置 | ⭐⭐⭐ |
noculator | https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/NOCulator | ||
soclib | http://www.soclib.fr/trac/dev | ||
patos-simulator | https://github.com/t-crest/patmos-simulator | 多核,基于ramulator进行Mem模拟 | |
snipersim | https://github.com/snipersim/snipersim | 区间模型,数学模型,比较难上手 | |
or1ksim | https://github.com/openrisc/or1ksim | function model | |
parade | https://github.com/cdsc-github/parade-ara-simulator | gem5套壳ca | |
swarmArch | https://github.com/SwarmArch/sim | not ca,比较新,MIT,更注重分析应用程序 | |
out-of-roder simulator | https://github.com/Jacob-Hoff-man/cs2410 | ||
kite simulaotr | https://github.com/yonsei-icsl/Kite | 已经看完,没有太大的参考价值,主要维护了ticks变量用于控制时钟,latency标识exu的执行模块具体的流水级别,但是仅限于ticks++,同时bpu设计缺失,cache write throuth,整体为5级流水架构 | |
Wisconsin Wind Tunnel II | https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~wwt/wwt2/ |