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Computer Vision and NLP based document scanner, text extractor and summarizer.


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Document Scanner


  • Image scanner
  • OCR based text reader
  • Document summarizer

1. Image Scanner

(High-res image)

The script consists of the following pipeline steps:

  1. Reading input
  2. Grayscale conversion
  3. Blurring
  4. Edge detection
  5. Contours searching
  6. Largest Contour identification
  7. Warping
  8. Adaptive thresholding

1.1 Grayscale

  • Conversion to grayscale enables us to work on only one channel, since for the time having coloured output isn't our focus.

  • Also, we do not require colours in order to perform the essential tasks like contour detection and final processing.

1.2 Blurring

  • The main reason behind blurring is to remove the intricate details which are not required for the time being. This might seem counter intuitive, but the idea is to focus on the macro details rather than micro in order to obtain the larger details like the different shapes present in the image.
  • This also enables us to ignore potential noises in the image.
  • Gaussian blurring was used in this case.
    • Involves convolving with Gaussian function
    • Low pass filter

1.3 Edge detection

  • Canny edge detection was used

    img_threshold = cv2.Canny(img_blur, 100, 200)
    • 100 and 200 being threshold1 (minVal) and threshold2 (maxVal) values
  • Canny edge detection theory
    The steps can be summarized as follows:

    • Gaussian filter is used to remove noise from the image

    • The resultant smoothened image is passed through Scharr filters to obtain directional derivatives.

    • Fine thin edges are removed by the usage of Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS)

    • Finally, Hysteresis Thresholding is done.

  • Dilation was applied after this in order to enhance the edges.

    img_threshold = cv2.dilate(img_threshold, kernel, iterations=2)
    • Dilation is important to increase the visibility as well as ensure the continuity of the shapes detected, which would be useful in the next step of contour detection.

    • On the left figure (without dilation), we can see that edges are so thin and often non-continuous. Dilation basically increases the thickness by convolving the image with a kernal filter, which replaces a pixel with a brighter pixel's value if it's present in its neighbourhood.

1.4 Contour Detection

  • We basically search for all possible closed loop contours using cv2.findContours and draw a shape highlighting all contours.

    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img_threshold, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    cv2.drawContours(image=img_contours, contours=contours, contourIdx=-1, color=(0, 255, 0), thickness=5)

1.5 Largest Contour

  • For identifying the largest contour among all the possible candidates, we loop through all contours, and calculate the area of each by using cv2.contourArea(). The one with largest area as well as correctly identified as a rectangle is the largest contour.
    • For obtaining the constituent points of contour, we use cv2.approxPolyDP(i, 0.02 * peri, True)
    • If it returns 4 points, we know for sure it's a rectangular object

1.6 Warping

  • For wrapping, the idea is to map one set of points to another. We want to take our 4 points forming the largest contour, and map it to the 4 corner points of desired image's dimensions.

  • We first calculate a 3x3 perspective transform matric which maps one set of points to another. Then we simply apply this matrix to our image.

    # 6.1 Calculate a 3x3 perspective transform matrix
    matrix = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
    # 6.2 Apply the perspective matrix to the image
    img_warp_coloured = cv2.warpPerspective(img, matrix, (width, height))

1.7 Adaptive Thresholding

  • The image is converted to grayscale, and then finally to a binary black and white image using adaptive thresholding.

  • The value of every pixel is either black (0) or white (255), and this decision is made based on determining for each pixel if it is below or above a certain threashold.

  • This threashold value is different for each pixel. In our case, we use cv.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, which essentially does a cross-correlation of a Gaussian window with a blockSize * blockSize neighbourhood of image pixels.

    img_adaptive_th = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(img_warp_gray, 255, 1, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, 5, 2)

2. OCR based Image to Text

We make use of Pytesseract library to perform the OCR task.

Output in ocr.txt:

You mentioned that the king was at Lord Arryn’s bedside when he died. I wonder, was the queen with him?”  “Why, no,” Pycelle said. “She and the children were making the journey to Casterly Rock, in company with her father. Lord Tywin had brought a retinue to the city for the tourney on Prince > Joffrey’s name day, no doubt hoping to see his son Jaime win the champion’s crown. In that he was sadly disappointed. It fell to me to send the queen word of Lord Arryn’s sudden death. Never have I sent off a bird with a heavier heart.”  “Dark wings, dark words,” Ned murmured. It was a proverb Old Nan had taught him as a boy.  "Page 275 31%       

3. Text Summarizer and Keyword Extractor

The library PyTextRank was utilized, available through a component in spaCy's pipeline.

3.1 How it works

A brief theoretical steps on the working of PyTextRank library:

3.1.1 TextRank

More detailed information on derwen docs.

  • A Lemma graph is constructed. For each sentence and for each word:

    • A node_id is created based on (token.lemma_, token.pos_)
    • The node_id is added as a node to the lemma graph lemma_graph.add_node(node_id).
    • Increment/add weight to an edge between current and previous node(s), if their distance is less than certain limit.
  • PageRank is used to calculate the ranks for each nodes in the lemma graph, based on eigenvector centrality.

3.1.2 Summarization

More detailed information on derwen docs.

  • Construct a list of the sentence boundaries with a phrase vector (initialized to empty set) for each sentence:
    sent_bounds = [ [s.start, s.end, set([])] for s in doc.sents ]
    • The set() is updated as a vector with phrase ID for each phrase for every sentence.
  • We get the rank of each phrase and store it as unit_vector. Only top limit_phrases number of phrases are accessed in this case.
  • Iterate through each sentence and calculate its Euclidean distance from the unit vector
  • Extract the sentences with the lowest distance, up to the limit requested

PyTextRank allows rendering an interactive html based bar-graph visualization for the most important phrases is available, a static snapshot of which is shown below.

Output in summary.txt:

 [You mentioned that the king was at Lord Arryn’s bedside when he died., “She and the children were making the journey to Casterly Rock, in company with her father., Lord Tywin had brought a retinue to the city for the tourney on Prince > Joffrey’s name day, no doubt hoping to see his son Jaime win the champion’s crown.,  “Dark wings, dark words,” Ned murmured.]

 ['Lord Arryn', 'Ned murmured', 'Jaime', 'Casterly Rock', 'dark words', 'Lord Tywin', 'Joffrey', 'company', 'Prince', 'Arryn', 'Old Nan', 'Ned', 'the champion’s crown', 'Tywin', 'a heavier heart', 'her father', 'the queen word', 'Pycelle', 'his son', 'a boy', '“Dark wings', 'the tourney', 'the city', '’s bedside', 'a retinue', '31%', 'the queen', 'the journey', 'the king', 'a bird', '"Page', 'a proverb', 'the children']


Computer Vision and NLP based document scanner, text extractor and summarizer.








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