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My awesome Neovim configuration - DEPRECATED replaced by renso.lazy


To install this config just copy these files to ~/.config/nvim/ or create a symlink to this repo in the same directory. You will need a Nerd Font installed to see all the pretty icons and Node for some plugins (e.g. Copilot).


This configuration uses Lazy.nvim as a Plugin manager, therefore the full configuration for each plugin is in its file. The plugins are structured as follows:

Click here to see the plugin structure
├── comments
│   ├── Comment.lua
│   ├── init.lua
│   ├── neogen.lua
│   └── todo-comments.lua
├── completion
│   ├── cmp.lua
│   ├── copilot.lua
│   ├── debugprint.lua
│   ├── init.lua
│   ├── nvim-autopairs.lua
│   ├── nvim-surround.lua
│   └── template.lua
├── editor
│   ├── gitsigns.lua
│   ├── init.lua
│   ├── neo-tree.nvim
│   ├── telescope.lua
│   ├── toggleterm.lua
│   ├── trouble.lua
│   └── which-key.lua
├── lsp
│   ├── settings
│   │   ├── jdtls.lua
│   │   ├── jsonls.lua
│   │   ├── lua_ls.lua
│   │   └── rust_analyzer.lua
│   ├── format.lua
│   ├── init.lua
│   ├── keymaps.lua
│   ├── lspconfig.lua
│   └── null-ls.lua
├── ui
│   ├── barbecue.lua
│   ├── bufferline.lua
│   ├── illuminate.lua
│   ├── init.lua
│   ├── lualine.lua
│   ├── noice.lua
│   ├── notify.lua
│   └── theme.lua
├── chatgpt.lua
├── competitest.lua
├── deps_manager.lua
├── treesitter.lua
└── ufo.lua
Click here to see the main plugins list


In the user folder are present 6 configuration files:

  • autocommands.lua: Here are present autocommands that run based on the filetype opened.
  • keymaps.lua: Basic keymaps for basic functionalities, independent from plugins.
  • lazy_bootstrap.lua: Copy-paste snippet for bootstrapping Lazy.nvim.
  • util.lua: Some utils from LazyVim.
  • options.lua: Vim options.
  • settings.lua: Centralized place for some config such as lsp servers, linters & formatters, icons.


You can find out about other keybindings by starting one (most likely with <space>). The main commands and categories are the following:

  • <space>x: Close current buffer.
  • <space>e: Open and close Neotree.
  • <space>Y: Copy the whole file to the clipboard.
  • <space>y: Works like y, but copies to the clipboard.
  • <C-\>: Open a terminal inside Neovim, use the same keybinding to close it.


Here you can find help for all commands, keymaps, options, etc. Just select what you want help with by pressing <space>h.


  • u: Set the root directory to the parent of the current one.
  • .: Set the root directory to the one under the cursor.


You can use <space>l to see diagnostics for the opened files, <space>lt to see all the TODO, FIXME, NOTE, etc. in the current working directory.

  • gl: Show diagnostics for the current line.
  • gd: Go to the definition of the function / class / method / type under the cursor.
  • gr: Show references to this function / class / method / type.
  • K: Open documentation about function / class under cursor.
  • KK: Open and navigate documentation.
  • <M-l>: Accept Copilot's suggestions.
  • <C-f>: scroll documentation downwards.
  • <C-b>: scroll documentation upwards.
  • <C-e>: close autocomplete list.
  • <C-n>: next list item.
  • <C-p>: previous list item.


  • <space>cg: Open a ChatGPT prompt, you must set the API key as an environment variable, for more info see the docs.
  • <space>ca: Perform Code Actions.
  • <space>cp: Add a debug print.
  • <space>cv: Add a debug print of the current variable.
  • <space>cd: Deletes all debug prints in the current buffer.


All git commands start with <space>g, here are the more interesting ones:

  • <space>gt: Open a terminal with Lazygit.
  • <space>ga: Add the hunk under the cursor to changes.
  • <space>gA: Add all changes in the file.
  • <space>gr: Remove the hunk under the cursor from the changes.
  • <space>gb: Show blame for the current line.

File & Search

You can perform actions on files with <space>f and on buffer / history with <space>s, more notably:

  • <space>ff: Search files in the current working directory by the filename.
  • <space>fr: Search recently opened files by the filename.
  • <space>ft: Search and insert a template.
  • <space>sf: Search text inside the files in the current working directory.
  • <space>sb: Search text inside the current buffer.


  • <space>tr: Compile and run all tests.
  • <space>ta: Add a test case.
  • <space>te: Edit test cases.


  • <space>rp: Open a Python repl (opens ipython).
  • <space>rn: Open a Node.js repl.
  • <space>rh: Opens Htop.


You can use <space>n to create documentation for the current function / class / type.


My awesome Neovim configuration






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