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An EPICS areaDetector driver for TimePix3 detector from ASC.

Additional information:


  • Depends on the CPR verson 1.9.1.
  • Depends on the json version v3.11.2.
  • Developed with ADCore R3-11 and ADSupport R1-10 or newer.
  • This has only been developed/tested on ubuntu 22.04, 20.04, 18.04, RHEL 7.9, RHEL 9.1 Linux 64-bit machines.
  • This has only been developed for 2 x 2 chips layout and 1 chip tpx3CAM, since that is what I have access to now.
  • This has been tested with serval version 3.3.0, 3.2.0, 3.1.0 and 3.0.0. Only most recent serval version(s) are tested extensivly.
  • Driver is specific to Serval version, since features differ. Driver for Serval 2.x.y is in separate branch, and is not under current development
  • The driver has been developed using TimePix3 Emulator, and real detectors.

Before compiling:

  • Compile cpr
  • Clone json

How to run:

  • Under ADTimePix3/iocs/tpx3IOC/iocBoot/iocTimePix there is already a ready to use IOC for the TimePix3
    • run serval
    • Change the IP address in st.cmd or st_base.cmd.
    • Run ./st.cmd.
  • There are CSS-Boy, screens under ADTimePix3/tpx3App/op/
    • Phoebus .bob screens have been converted/created but not yet included in the driver.

Adjust chip thresholds

  • Optimize/equalize chips in the 'count' mode (not ToT)
  • Threshold fine increase is closer to noise (you get more counts)
  • Threshold fine decrease is away from noise, higher threshold in keV. (you get less counts)
  • These threshold settings can depend on X-ray energy.
  • After changing the thresholds take a background image to check that you do not get extra noise pixels.


Uncomment following lines in ADCore/iocBoot

  • ADCore/iocBoot/commonPlugins.cmd

    • Magick file saving plugin
      • NDFileMagickConfigure("FileMagick1", $(QSIZE), 0, "$(PORT)", 0)
      • dbLoadRecords("NDFileMagick.template","P=$(PREFIX),R=Magick1:,PORT=FileMagick1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT)")
    • load NDPluginPva plugin
      • NDPvaConfigure("PVA1", $(QSIZE), 0, "$(PORT)", 0, $(PREFIX)Pva1:Image, 0, 0, 0)
      • dbLoadRecords("NDPva.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=Pva1:, PORT=PVA1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT)")
      • startPVAServer
    • load sseq record for acquisition sequence
      • dbLoadRecords("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db/sseqRecord.db", "P=$(PREFIX), S=AcquireSequence")
      • set_requestfile_path("$(CALC)/calcApp/Db")
    • load devIocStats records
      • dbLoadRecords("$(DEVIOCSTATS)/db/iocAdminSoft.db", "IOC=$(PREFIX)")
  • ADCore/iocBoot/commonPlugin_settings.req

    • file "NDFileMagick_settings.req", P=$(P), R=Magick1:
    • file "NDPva_settings.req", P=$(P), R=Pva1: