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Experiment 5

Experiment 5 #70

Workflow file for this run

name: CMake
# push: # Keep empty to run on each branch when push the code. Otherwise use branches: [ master ]
# branches: [ main ]
# pull_request: # Set to master to run only when merge with master branch
# branches: [ main ]
# Customize the CMake build type here (Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, etc.)
# The CMake configure and build commands are platform agnostic and should work equally well on Windows or Linux.
# You can convert this to a matrix build if you need cross-platform coverage.
# See:
name: ${{}}
runs-on: ${{matrix.config.os}}
fail-fast: false
config: # Create matrix with combinations
# compile AREG engine as a shared library with GNU g++ / gcc on Ubuntu Linux, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: linux-gnu-g++-shared,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: shared,
family: gnu,
cxx: g++,
comp: ON,
before: ON
# compile AREG engine as a shared library with GNU g++ / gcc on Ubuntu Linux, enable AREG extensions and no logs
- { name: linux-gnu-g++-static,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: static,
family: gnu,
cxx: g++,
comp: OFF,
before: OFF
# compile AREG engine as a static library with GNU g++ / gcc on Ubuntu Linux, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: linux-gnu-gcc-shared,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: shared,
family: gnu,
cxx: gcc,
comp: OFF,
before: ON
# compile AREG engine as a shared library with GNU g++ / gcc on Ubuntu Linux, disable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: linux-gnu-gcc-static,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: shared,
family: gnu,
cxx: gcc,
comp: ON,
before: OFF
# compile AREG engine as a shared library with clang on Ubuntu Linux, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: linux-llvm-clang++-shared,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: shared,
family: llvm,
cxx: clang++,
comp: ON,
before: ON
# compile AREG engine as a shared library with clang on Ubuntu Linux, enable AREG extensions and no logs
- { name: linux-llvm-clang++-static,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: static,
family: llvm,
cxx: clang++,
comp: OFF,
before: OFF
# compile AREG engine as a shared library with clang on Ubuntu Linux, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: linux-llvm-clang-shared,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: shared,
family: llvm,
cxx: clang,
comp: OFF,
before: ON
# compile AREG engine as a shared library with clang on Ubuntu Linux, enable AREG extensions and no logs
- { name: linux-llvm-clang-static,
os: ubuntu-latest,
lib: static,
family: llvm,
cxx: clang,
comp: ON,
before: OFF
# compile AREG engine as a shared with CYGWIN g++ / gcc on Windows, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: win-cygwin-g++-shared,
os: windows-latest,
lib: shared,
family: cygwin,
cxx: g++,
comp: ON,
before: ON
# compile AREG engine as a shared with CYGWIN g++ / gcc on Windows, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: win-cygwin-g++-static,
os: windows-latest,
lib: static,
family: cygwin,
cxx: g++,
comp: OFF,
before: OFF
# compile AREG engine as a shared with CYGWIN g++ / gcc on Windows, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: win-cygwin-gcc-shared,
os: windows-latest,
lib: shared,
family: cygwin,
cxx: gcc,
comp: OFF,
before: ON
# compile AREG engine as a shared with CYGWIN g++ / gcc on Windows, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: win-cygwin-gcc-static,
os: windows-latest,
lib: static,
family: cygwin,
cxx: gcc,
comp: ON,
before: OFF
# compile AREG engine as a shared with MSVC on Windows, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: win-msvc-cl-shared,
os: windows-latest,
lib: shared,
family: msvc,
cxx: cl,
comp: ON,
before: ON
# compile AREG engine as a shared with MSVC on Windows, enable AREG extensions and logs
- { name: win-msvc-cl-static,
os: windows-latest,
lib: static,
family: msvc,
cxx: cl,
comp: OFF,
before: OFF
- name: Checkout AREG SDK Demo project sources and dependencies
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# The checkout of submodule is optional, can be escaped in case of cmake build
submodules: recursive
- name: Setup Java JDK to run code generator
uses: actions/setup-java@v4.4.0
java-version: 17
java-package: jre
distribution: temurin
- name: Update compilers on Linux
if: matrix.config.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
# Update compilers, set C/C++ compilers
run: sudo apt-get update
- name: Set Windows PATH environment variable for cygwin
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest' && == 'cygwin'
run: echo "PATH=C:\cygwin;C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cygwin\lib;%SYSTEMROOT%\system32;%PATH%" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Install cygwin on Windows
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest' && == 'cygwin'
uses: cygwin/cygwin-install-action@v4
packages: cmake, dos2unix, flexdll, gcc-g++, git, ncurses, libncurses-devel, make
- name: Set cmake cache destination for Linux
if: matrix.config.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
run: echo "CACHE_DEST=./product/cache/${{}}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Set cmake cache destination for Windows
if: matrix.config.os == 'windows-latest'
run: echo "CACHE_DEST=./product/cache/${{}}" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Configure CMake and pass compiler option
if: matrix.config.comp == 'ON'
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}
run: |
cmake -B ${{env.CACHE_DEST}} -DAREG_COMPILER=${{matrix.config.cxx}} -DAREG_BUILD_TYPE=${{env.BUILD_TYPE}} -DAREG_BINARY=${{matrix.config.lib}} -DINTEGRATE_AREG_BEFORE_PROJECT:BOOL=${{matrix.config.before}}
- name: Configure CMake and pass compiler family option
if: matrix.config.comp == 'OFF'
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}
run: |
cmake -B ${{env.CACHE_DEST}} -DAREG_COMPILER_FAMILY=${{}} -DAREG_BUILD_TYPE=${{env.BUILD_TYPE}} -DAREG_BINARY=${{matrix.config.lib}} -DINTEGRATE_AREG_BEFORE_PROJECT:BOOL=${{matrix.config.before}}
- name: Build with CMake
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}
# Build your program with the given configuration
run: cmake --build ${{env.CACHE_DEST}} -j 20