ec966d2 Create ArgoCD clients on demand (#75)
304dbc4 support for Darwin Arm64 (M1) builds (#99)
3c90ff9 Migrate to SDK V2 (#62)
v2.0.0 major version bump
While every resource is still compatible with the 1.x.y resources' definitions, under the hood a lot has changed, such as the ability to create API clients on demand (allowing the instanciation of a Kubernetes cluster and referencing it in the ArgoCD provider block within the same blueprint), the upgrade to the Terraform SDK v2, or the use of Go v1.16 (allowing binary builds running on M1 Macbooks).
While acceptance tests are passing, to avoid any kind of drama, it is still wiser to bump the version to a major increment, so that you explicitely understand that some undiscovered bug may happen during plan executions.
Please report any kind of bug should that happen after the upgrade. Thanks.
Special Credits
Thanks for making this release possible with your contributions @raphink @ClaireBellivier ! 🎉