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Food ordering applications by Laravel, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery

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Introduction : The canteens in different institutions mainly follow pay and use method. That is we need to first pay for the things we want and then they deliver the items we ordered. Most of the people in different institutions depend on the canteens for their meals and snacks because of their busy life. To keep up with the busy and tight schedule, they need fast,quick,reliable, & anytime-anywhere assistance for different tasks they do daily. They don't have time & energy to cook. Due to this reason there is heavy rush in canteen during breakfast, lunch and dinner time. These hours are mainly peak hours in canteen schedule. Since the canteen uses pay and use method, the people need to wait in heavy queues to order food items and there are situations in which the desired food would not be available even after waiting in long queue. Also, one important factor is time, intervals in different institutions have fixed time. Within this time they have to take refreshments/meals and come back. As mentioned above a lot of time will be wasted if there is rush in bill counter for ordering food. This study aims in reducing the time taken to order the food in canteen standing in queues and also to digitalize the food ordering system. First the user needs to install FOODTOPIA application in the mobile and the user can see different food items available in their institution canteens.


The Customer Site
  • Registration And Creating A Profile
  • Search And Find Food Easily
  • Checking The Restaurant Profile
  • Add The Food To Cart
  • Delivery Person’s Contact Info
  • Easy to Pay
  • Order History
  • Track The Food
  • Rating And Reviewing The Food
  • Push Notifications
  • Profile Management
The Manager Panel
  • Registration & Profile Management
  • Add food and update quantity
  • Order Assigning
  • Dashboard
  • Managing The Content
  • Managing The Orders
  • Order History
  • Profile Update

Using Technology

Html / Css / Javascript / Laravel / MySql

some pictures

if you wish to run locally

  1. copy code : git clone
  2. Add Mail username and Password in .env file.
  3. create database and set the database in .env file.
  4. import database from prev-data/ufood
  5. run comman php artisan serve.
  6. open your local server :

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Food ordering applications by Laravel, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery







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