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AVD Ecosystem - Jinja2 Linter

Project Goals

Build a Jinja2 linter that will provide the following capabilities:

  • Validate syntax according to AVD style guide.
  • Capability to run as part of a CI pipeline to enforce j2lint rules.
  • Develop an extension that works with VSCode and potentially other IDEs i.e PyCharm.

Syntax and code style issues

Code Short Description Description
S0 jinja-syntax-error Jinja2 syntax should be correct
S1 single-space-decorator A single space should be added between Jinja2 curly brackets and a variable's name
S2 operator-enclosed-by-spaces When variables are used in combination with an operator, the operator shall be enclosed by space
S3 jinja-statements-indentation Nested jinja code block should follow next rules:
- All J2 statements must be enclosed by 1 space
- All J2 statements must be indented by 4 more spaces within jinja delimiter
- To close a control, end tag must have same indentation level
S4 jinja-statements-single-space Jinja statement should have at least a single space after '{%' and a single space before '%}'
S5 jinja-statements-no-tabs Indentation should not use tabulation but 4 spaces
S6 jinja-statements-delimiter Jinja statements should not have {%- or {%+ or -%} as delimiters
S7 single-statement-per-line Jinja statements should be on separate lines
V1 jinja-variable-lower-case All variables should use lower case
V2 jinja-variable-format If variable is multi-words, underscore _ should be used as a separator

Getting Started


Minimym Python version: 3.9

Install with pip

To get started, you can use Python pip to install j2lint:

Install the latest stable version:

pip3 install j2lint

Install the latest development version:

pip3 install git+

Running the linter

j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates>

Running the linter on a specific file

j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates>/template.j2

Listing linting rules

j2lint --list

Running the linter with verbose linter error output

j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates> --verbose

Running the linter with custom file extensions

j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates> --extensions j2,html,yml

Running the linter with logs enabled. Logs saved in jinja2-linter.log in the current directory

j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates> --log

To enable debug logs, use both options:

j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates> --log --debug

Running the linter with JSON format for linter error output

j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates> --json

Ignoring rules

  1. The --ignore option can have one or more of these values: syntax-error, single-space-decorator, filter-enclosed-by-spaces, jinja-statement-single-space, jinja-statements-indentation, no-tabs, single-statement-per-line, jinja-delimiter, jinja-variable-lower-case, jinja-variable-format.

  2. If multiple rules are to be ignored, use the --ignore option along with rule descriptions separated by space.

    j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates> --ignore <rule_description1> <rule_desc>

Note This runs the custom linting rules in addition to the default linting rules. When using the -i/--ignore or -w/--warn options, the arguments MUST either:

  • Be entered at the end of the CLI as in the example above
  • Be entered as the last options before the <path-to-directory-of-templates> with -- separator. e.g.
    j2lint --ignore <rule_description1> <rule_desc> -- <path-to-directory-of-templates>
  1. If one or more linting rules are to be ignored only for a specific jinja template file, add a Jinja comment at the top of the file. The rule can be disabled using the short description of the rule or the id of the rule.

    {# j2lint: disable=S6}
    # OR
    {# j2lint: disable=jinja-delimiter #}
  2. Disabling multiple rules

    {# j2lint: disable=jinja-delimiter j2lint: disable=S1 #}

Adding custom rules

  1. Create a new rules directory under j2lint folder.

  2. Add custom rule classes which are similar to classes in j2lint/rules directory: The file name of rules should be in snake_case and the class name should be the PascalCase version of the file name. For example:

    • File name:
    • Class name: JinjaOperatorHasSpacesRule
  3. Run the jinja2 linter using --rules-dir option

    j2lint <path-to-directory-of-templates> --rules-dir <custom-rules-directory>

Note This runs the custom linting rules in addition to the default linting rules.

Running jinja2 linter help command

j2lint --help

Running jinja2 linter on STDIN template. This option can be used with VS Code.

j2lint --stdin

Using j2lint as a pre-commit-hook

  1. Add j2lint pre-commit hook inside your repository in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

    - repo:
        rev: <release_tag/sha>
        - id: j2lint
  2. Run pre-commit -> pre-commit run --all-files

Note When using -i/--ignore or -w/--warn argument in pre-commit, use the following syntax

- repo:
    rev: <release_tag/sha>
    - id: j2lint
    # Using -- to separate the end of ignore from the positional arguments
    # passed to j2lint
      args: [--ignore, S3, jinja-statements-single-space, --]


This project is based on salt-lint and jinjalint