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Tobias Sebring edited this page Oct 14, 2017 · 2 revisions

Port Forwarding

To access services remotely port forwarding has to be configured in your router and/or other firewalls.

For a typical home server, that means configuring Windows Firewall to allow incoming requests on specific ports and adding port forwarding rules in your home router.

Web App / Web API

The web app port is configured in webApiListenPrefix. By default, the port is 60001.

The web API port is configured in webAppListenPrefix. By default, the port is 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS (SSL).


With SSL enabled port 80 is used for challenge requests when attempting to issue an SSL-certificate using Lets Encrypt. Once the SSL-certificate has been issued, it is valid for 90 days, and forwarding of port 80 can be disabled.

Discord Bot

The steam authentication port is configured in steamOpenIdRelyingServiceListenPrefix and steamOpenIdRedirectUri. By default, the port is 60002.

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