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Heroku Initial App Setup

mingtaiha edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 1 revision

To setup Heroku:

In runtime.txt, needed to change python-3.5.1 to python-3.6.1 because Heroku only Python Buildpacks 2.7.13 and 3.6.1

In order to deploy app on Heroku:

Check this out:

  1. Install basic Heroku CLI (Depends on your OS)
  2. Login to Heroku CLI heroku login
  3. Clone a repository (or make one)
  4. Create a git remote (heroku) with heroku create [app_name]
  5. Make a commit, then push to heroku (git push heroku master)

Once the repo is pushed to Heroku, the app is deployed,

  1. Get an instance of the app running heroku ps:scale web=1
  2. Run heroku open to go to website with CLI, or visit the website received from 1)

NOTE: A free-tier app get 550 Dyno Hours (server-hours). To check usage from Heroku CLI, heroku ps -a <app_name>

To check the logs of getting the app running, run heroku logs --tail (Ctrl-C to quit)

This is a way to check for errors

If the app uses environment variables (which does), Set the env variables (Heroku calls config vars) heroku config:set <VAR_NAME>=<VAR_VALUE>

To add a domain name to host the app, you can do it in...

Dashboard Add a domain in the Heroku Dashboard, Settings

Heroku CLI

List the domains (Heroku Domain and Custom Domains) heroku domains

Adding a domain heroku domains:add <domain_name>

Removing a domain heroku domains:remove <domain_name>

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