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Antonio Robirosa edited this page Oct 31, 2023 · 2 revisions

First Steps

  • If you are using Backoffice or HMC to run the deployment scripts, go to Platform Backoffice (or HMC) > System > Deployment Manager > Script Execution and check the stacktrace of the last execution

  • If you are using ant to run the deployment scripts, check the console log for errors

  • Then you could turn on the logging of the extension adding the following line to the file /config/ log4j2.logger.arecodeploymentscriptsmanager.level = ALL

  • Run ant clean all

  • Start the server and do an Update Running System

  • In the console you should see what the extension is doing. If you still don't have a clue where the error is, please read below

All deployment scripts don't run

  • If you have just installed the Areco Deployment Script Manager Extension, go to Platform Backoffice (or HMC) > System > Types and look for ScriptExecution.
    • If it doesn't exists, the extension isn't installed. Please check the file /config/localextensions.xml and try to install the extension again following these instructions: [Installation]
    • If you see the class, then the extension is correctly installed.
  • If no deployment script was run, check that the directory with the scripts is named update-deployment-scripts. For example:


  • If this is the mistake, you must rename the directory and run an Update Running System. After this you should find all the executed scripts in System > Deployment Scripts Manager > Deployment Scripts Executions
  • If this isn't the case, please install the extension with examples of deployment scripts in a development environment. Make a backup before trying this. After the Update Running System, you must see some executed scripts.

The deployment scripts run on master tenant but not in the junit one

  • Check that the Areco Deployment Manager is turned on in the junit tenant by going to HAC > Tenants > Junit > View

My last deployment scripts doesn't run

  • Go to Platform Backoffice (or HMC) > System > Deployment Scripts Manager > Deployment Scripts Executions and check the result and stacktrace of the last executed deployment script.
  • Check if it was run some day ago. This usually happens when you have been working on an issue for many days.
  • If it is error, you should do an Update Running System and see in the console, why it is failing.
  • If the last script was successfully executed but yours wasn't found, check that the directory with the scripts is called update-deployment-scripts. For example: hybris/deploymentScriptsManager/arecoDeploymentScriptsExamples/resources/update-deployment-scripts

My deployment scripts throws an error

  • You should do an Update Running System and see in the console, why it is failing. The message error could be enough to understand what when wrong. You can also go to Platform Backoffice (or HMC) > System > Deployment Manager > Script Execution and check the stacktrace of the last execution.
  • If this doesn't help, you must run the deployment script manually:
    • Impex: Just go to HAC > Console > Impex Import and import your impex script
    • SQL: Just go to HAC > Console > FlexibleSearch and past your SQL Query in the second textbox SQL Direct Query, leave the first one empty and click on Execute.
    • Beanshell and Groovy: Go to HAC > Console > Scripting and run your code. It must return the string "OK" when it finishes.