This App is a remotecontrol for the settings section running on the RaspberryPi based ABACUS electronics AroioOS products. Without an aroio product you can navigate through the app but there will be no functionality.
This app is in beta state and there is some more beautification and a few functionalitys left.
Thank you! Melf
you can clone it an run it on iOS 11 devices (no simulator because of Hotspot Configuration) with "AroioRM.xcworkspace" in Xcode, you have to change project path in Podfile to your folder
if you want to use Simulator or native iOS 10 or lower, follow instructions in AddNewAroioViewController.swift at MARK: "for iOS 10 or lower"
if you want to become a TestFlight Beta Tester please mail me at [email protected]
in aroioOS put AroioOSextensions in "/mnt/mmcblk0p1/custom_overlay/" via sftp and reboot, after reboot connect via ssh and run
perl /
to watch a through the app video download AppVideo.mp4
Screenshot Examples: