Modern static website or landing page template, which provides ready to use configuration supporting mification, transpiling, SASS/SCSS and other essential features that makes your project perfect.
I have to make simple static websites (such as quite often. I love making things perfect, therefore every time I set up Webpack to compress the styles, minify HTML and so on.
In order to make the process way faster, I decided to create this template with some basic configurations for building simple static websites and landing pages.
- Ready to use Webpack configuration
- SCSS/SASS support
- Autoprefixing and minifying CSS
- Uglifying and transpiling JavaScript
- Minifying HTML
- Automatic deployment to Github Pages with Travis CI
- Stylelint to write consistent styles
- ESLint with Airbnb code style rules
- Minifying SVGs with SVGO
Use this repository as a template for creating your own project. There is a "Use this template" button on the top right.
Install dependencies with npm i
, start a development server executing npm start
and build for the production running npm run build
If you have any improvements on your mind, feel free to create a pull request. Your help is appreciated!