Web Fundamentals is a technical documentation center for multi-device web development. Our goal is to build a resource for modern web developers that’s as curated and thorough as developer.android.com or iOS Dev Center.
In this repo (which is the fork of google/WebFundamentals) we are going to focus on a hebrew translation for WF. Please feel free to ping me and join this effort.
Content plan for Web Fundamentals is tracked through GitHub Issues and our Site Structure + Content Inventory doc
The project was soft launched in late April with a formal v1 launch in June 2014. We've now moved to a six-week rolling release cycle.
This is a Jekyll build.
/appengine - the server to host the static content
/site - the documentation
/_en/ - the base language folder
/getting-started - the getting started articles
/multi-device-layouts - responsive design guide
/introduction-to-media - the guide to using media
/optimizing-performance - the perf articles
/using-touch - managing touch
/showcase - the case-studies
/_langcode/ - overrides for that language, following the main path structure.
is never checked in but generated by Jekyll.
Web Fundamentals is an open source project and we welcome your contributions! Before submitting a pull request, please review CONTRIBUTING.md and make sure that there is an issue filed describing the fix or new content. If you don't complete these steps, we won't be able to accept your pull request, sorry.
- Install XCode Command Line Tools
- Install RVM
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash
- Set RVM Default to 2.0.0
rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p451
rvm --default use 2.0.0
- Install Pygments
easy_install pygments
- Install RubyGems dependencies (Jekyll, Kramdown, Sass and Compass)
cd src/ && bundle install
- Install Node.js
- Install the Grunt CLI
npm install -g grunt-cli
- Install npm dependencies
cd src/ && npm install
Once you have all the dependencies installed go to the root of the checked out repo and type:
make server
This will have Jekyll build the site, run a static server to listen on port 8081 (which you can now reach at http://localhost:8081/web/fundamentals/), and watch for changes to site files. Every change will cause Jekyll to rebuild the affected files.
The table of contents is generated from src/site/_project.yaml
To parse the _project.yaml
file, include {% injectdata content _project.yaml %}
in the page. You then have access to the variables in the page object.
The table of contents is generated from src/site/_book.yaml
To parse the _book.yaml
file, include {% injectdata content _book.yaml %}
in the page and then iterate as follows:
{% for section in page.content.toc %}
{% endfor %}
- Code import:
{% highlight javascript %} {% include sample1.js %} {% endhighlight %}
{{ articles _category_}}
a list of articles in divs, ordered by the "order" preamble.{{ showcases _category_}}
a list of showcases.
The base content is in english under the "_en" directory. Translations can be added following the same structure with either a two letter or composite language code: e.g. "_es", "_pt-br".
To test translations set the lang variabe in the _config.yml. For example, to set the mode to French:
lang: "fr"
Note the underscore is not required here.
To ensure the content is built when being released onto developers.google.com, ensure that the langs_available list in _config-devsite.yml is updated to include any new language directories being added. For example, to add French:
langs_available: ["fr"]