Simple game written in Rust with Tetra framework.
I got idea for this game from this video. Game story:
You find yourself in the middle of circular lake. There is a goblin at the shore who will eat you immediately if he can catch you. Luckily the goblin can`t swim. You know if you make it to land you can sprint off to the forest and escape. The problem is you are slow in water: the goblin is 4 time faster. The goblin always moves optimally which means moving to the spot closest to you. Can you escape the goblin?
The point is you can`t just swim to the shore in straight line in opposite to goblin direction, because you need to move radius of circle, goblin needs to move 3.14 * radius, but goblin moves 4 times faster.
The solution is to swim in circle around center of the lake so goblin always need to catch up. The best circle radius is ratio of speeds: lake`s radius / 4.
Installing dependencies on Linux Ubuntu:
sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt install libasound2-dev
cargo run --release