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A compiler for Micro language; course project for CSC4180 at CUHK(SZ)

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Micro Compiler Implemented with Flex and Bison

Course project for CSC4180: Compiler Construction in CUHK(SZ), 2024 Spring.

Code Structure

|--- testcases
|--- src
	|--- ir_generator.cpp
	|--- ir_generator.hpp
	|--- main.cpp
	|--- Makefile
	|--- node.cpp
	|--- node.hpp
	|--- parser.y
	|--- scanner.l

How to execute the compiler?

Use commands below to run the compiler:

cd /path/to/project
make all

120090244@c2d52c9b1339:~/CSC4180-Compiler/Assignment1/src$ ./compiler --help
CUHK-SZ CSC4180 Assignment-1: Micro Language Compiler Frontend
Usage: Usage: compiler [options] source-program.m
Allowed options:
  -h [ --help ]                     Usage: compiler [options] 
  -s [ --scan-only ]                [Default: false] print out token class and 
                                    lexeme pairs for each token, no parsing 
                                    operations onwards
  -c [ --cst-only ]                 [Default: false] generate concrete syntax 
                                    tree only, do not generate AST and LLVM IR
  -d [ --dot ] arg (       [Default:] the .dot filename where 
                                    compiler will output the tree
  -o [ --output ] arg (=program.ll) [Default: program.ll] LLVM IR file compiled
                                    from source code
  --source-program arg              source Micro program to compile

Sample: test0.m

120090244@c2d52c9b1339:~/CSC4180-Compiler/Assignment1/src$ ./compiler ../testcases/test0.m
120090244@c2d52c9b1339:~/CSC4180-Compiler/Assignment1/src$ dot -Tpng ./ -o ./ast.png
120090244@c2d52c9b1339:~/CSC4180-Compiler/Assignment1/src$ opt ./program.ll -S --O3 -o ./program_optimized.ll
120090244@c2d52c9b1339:~/CSC4180-Compiler/Assignment1/src$ llc -march=riscv64 ./program_optimized.ll -o ./program.s
120090244@c2d52c9b1339:~/CSC4180-Compiler/Assignment1/src$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc ./program.s -o ./program
120090244@c2d52c9b1339:~/CSC4180-Compiler/Assignment1/src$ qemu-riscv64 -L /opt/riscv/sysroot ./program

How do I design the Scanner?

The scanner is designed to extract tokens of Micro language according to regular expressions. There are totally 14 tokens in Micro and the Regular Expression rules I designed are addressed below:

EOLN        "\n"
TAB         "\t"
COMMENT     --.*\n
BEGIN_      "begin"
END         "end"
READ        "read"
WRITE       "write"
LPAREN      "("
RPAREN      ")"
COMMA       ","
ASSIGNOP    ":="
PLUSOP      "+"
MINUSOP     "-"
ID          [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,31}
INTLITERAL  -?[0-9]+

Extracting the tokens using Regular Expressions, we can get tokens stored with type yylval.strval or yylval.intval, and pass to the parser as T_TOKENNAME.

The scanner is also able to print both token class and lexeme (i.e. <token-class, lexeme>) for each token with --scan-only option. Here is a sample output for the print function on test0.m:

<BEGIN_, begin>
<ID, A>
<ID, B>
<ID, A>
<WRITE, write>
<ID, B>
<END, end>

How do I design the Parser?

The Parser is designed to receive the tokens extracted from scanner. It also generates a parse tree (or concrete syntax tree), and futhermore, the abstract syntax tree (AST) based on the context-free grammar (CFG).

Here is the CFG of Micro language:

<start> → <program> SCANEOF
<program> → BEGIN <statement list> END
<statement list> → <statement> { <statement> }
<statement> → ID ASSIGNOP <expression>;
<statement> → READ LPAREN <id list> RPAREN;
<statement> → WRITE LPAREN<expr list> RPAREN;
<id list > → ID { COMMA ID }
<expr list > → <expression> { COMMA <expression> }
<expression> → <primary> { <add op> <primary> }
<primary> → LPAREN <expression> RPAREN
<primary> → ID
<primary> → INTLITERAL
<add op> → PLUSOP
<add op> → MINUSOP

In parser.y, I designed three yylval data types:

%union {
	/* Data */
	int intval;
	const char* strval;
	struct Node* nodeval;

Then, assign these data types to terminal symbols and non-terminal symbols.

Terminal Symbols:
%token <intval> T_INTLITERAL
Non-Terminal Symbols:
%type <nodeval> program statement_list statement id_list expr_list expression primary

How do I design the Intermediate Code Generator?

The intermediate representation (IR) of the compiler is the LLVM IR, and the IR generator converts the AST given from the parser to LLVM IR (.ll) file. The ir_generator.cpp file has the following structure:

Export AST to LLVM IR

The export_ast_to_llvm_ir() function generates the LLVM IR header and main function structure. And it calls the gen_llvm_ir() function.

Generate LLVM IR

The generate LLVM IR sequence recursively calls the main routine or the sub-routines to generate the full LLVM IR.

  • Function gen_llvm_ir()

This is the main routine in the generation part, it calls sub-routines such as gen_assignop_llvm_ir(), gen_read_llvm_ir(), gen_write_llvm_ir(), and also, the main routine gen_llvm_ir() to traverse the whole AST tree.

  • Function gen_assignop_llvm_ir()

This sub-routine handles the following LLVM IR instructions:

%<variable> = alloca i32
store i32 <rvalue>, i32* %<variable>
  • Functiongen_read_llvm_ir()

This sub-routine handles the following LLVM IR instructions:

%<variable> = alloca i32
%_scanf_format_1 = alloca [# x i8]
store [# x i8] c"%d ... %d\00", [# x i8]* %_scanf_format_1
%_scanf_str_1 = getelementptr [# x i8], [# x i8]* %_scanf_format_1, i32 0, i32 0
call i32 (i8*, ...) @scanf(i8* %_sacnf_str_1, i32* %<variable>)
  • Function gen_write_llvm_ir()

This sub-routine handles the following LLVM IR instructions:

%_printf_format_1 = alloca [# x i8]
store [# x i8] c"%d ... %d\0A\00", [# x i8]* %_printf_format_1
%_printf_str_1 = getelementptr [# x i8], [# x i8]* %_printf_format_1, i32 0, i32 0
call i32 (i8*, ...) @printf(i8* %_printf_str_1, i32 <rvalue>)
  • Function gen_operation_llvm_ir()

This sub-routine handles the following LLVM IR instructions:

%_tmp_1 = load i32, i32* %<variable>
%_tmp_2 = sub i32 <expression>, %_tmp_1
%_tmp_3 = add i32 %_tmp_1, %_tmp_2
  • Function gen_expression_llvm_ir()

This sub-routine handles the following LLVM IR instruction:

%_tmp_1 = load i32, i32* %<variable>


A compiler for Micro language; course project for CSC4180 at CUHK(SZ)






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