Download the APK here
- This app was taken up as an assignment as part of the Kings Learning (Enguru) Tech interview process
- Requirement & Spec document here
- Wikipedia web service documentation here
Currently the App is structured such that it follows clean architecture system combined with the MVVM pattern
Notable library integrations include: - Kotlin Std Lib - Dagger2 - Retrofit2 - RxJava2 - Glide - Google Architecture Components
The App utilizes the Wikipedia API to search for related articles pertaining to user's interest
The most significant API used would be the query API, providing search results for the search term provided by the user via SearchView in the UI
This search feature uses various tools like RxJava, Gson & Retrofit to fetch data over the network is an asynchronous way
Swipe to refresh functionality is also implemented on the search results page
The listing page loads results in batches of 10, lazily loading more and more results as user scrolls down
Currently it uses Chrome custom tabs library to open the Wikipedia article inside the app itself.
Due to the wikipedia API being slightly 'unconventional', it didn't seem technically feasible to parse raw html for each & every article being fetched from the network
For offline (cache) functionality, chrome custom tabs allow an option to save the file locally for future use without network access.
There is room for improvement in this area, eg. Taking article contents in a mobile viewing friendly format & save those contents in local database using pageid
Such a cache could be set up using RoomDB library to store contents for offline usage
Due to time & technical constraints, this has been left for future revisions