Add the plugin to your project in project/plugins/build.sbt
resolvers += "Arnauld" at "",
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Web plugin repo" at "",
"Arnauld" at ""
libraryDependencies <++= sbtVersion({ sbt_version:String =>
Seq("com.github.siasia" %% "xsbt-web-plugin" % sbt_version,
"org.technbolts" %% "sbt-vaadin-plugin" % "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT")})
Add the Web and Vaadin settings to your project in build.sbt
seq((webSettings ++ vaadinSettings ++ Seq(
jettyPort := 8081,
vaadinWidgetSet := "scalaadin.gwt.CombinedWidgetset",
)) :_*)
This override the jetty port, and define the name of the widgetset
To generate the widgetset used by vaadin
sbt> vaadin-generate-widgetset
According to the settings, this will generate scalaadin/gwt/CombinedWidgetset.gwt.xml
in src/main/resources
To compile the widgetset
sbt> vaadin-compile-widgetset
According to the settings, this will generate all GWT files in src/main/webapp/VAADIN/
by default2.3.0
by default6.6.3
the name of the combined widget set that aggregates all widgetset found in the classpath to a single one.vaadinClientWidgetSetDestination
define where GWT compiles the widget, by default onsrc/main/webapp/VAADIN/widgetsets
seq((webSettings ++ vaadinSettings ++ Seq(
jettyPort := 8081,
vaadinWidgetSet := "scalaadin.gwt.CombinedWidgetset",
vaadinVersion := "6.6.3"
)) :_*)
In order to use the widgetset, one must override the default widgetset used by Vaadin.
In web.xml
add the widgetset declaration
<description>Vaadin application class to start</description>